We did it! We finally got to our third year of high school, and we’ve kicked off the year with a strong start. It’s been a common theme with our SLCs/TPOLs that we have goals and things we want to improve upon in school and our daily lives, and the abbreviation SMART, might’ve been thrown around once or twice.

TPOL… A Continued Examination of SLCs

Starting this year, we jumped in a little bit more about what SMART is and how we apply that with goals we have, so what better way to learn about SMART goals than to come up with some ourselves?

What is SMART? It’s an abbreviation that we’ve been using that stands for;

S- Specific

M- Measurable

A- Attainable

R- Realistic, Rigorous, Relevant, and Results Focused

T- Timely, Trackable

With that in mind, we started by just coming up with a ten word goal that we had. It could be anything as long as it wasn’t above ten words. Afterwards, we started doing a little bit of partner work which stayed along the topic of goals, people we look up to, etc. Once we did that, we were finally tasked to come up with three SMART goals which followed a certain guideline. To go along with that, we were told to create unique visuals for each of our goals and briefly talk about the goals in a video/audio file with our visuals implemented into it. Here’s what I made.

The first goal had to be about school, so I put my goal down to get at least an 86% in math throughout the whole year.

The second goal is about growth, so explained how I want to become better at managing my time and prioritizing so I can have more down time outside of school.

The third and last goal could be about anything outside of school. I put down how I want to become better at guitar and at least get back to level I was at before I stopped playing.

Overall, I liked learning about how there’s certain ways to make goals that help you achieve them easier just through wording them in certain ways to fit the SMART criteria. It’ll definitely help when I have more goals I want to achieve in the future.