Been a while since a science post, huh?

For the first project of the year in grade 10 science, we started things off a little differently… Instead of having a lengthy project filled with research, hypotheses, etc, our teacher went for a simpler approach. We were fortunate enough to start off the year with something that we were very familiar with. Videos…

Our aim for the project was to create a very short safety video that dealt with a few precautions that one could take to stay safe in the lab. All the videos were expected to be around a minute and a half long and only have a few safety tips. The second goal for the project was to make it entertaining while following a certain guideline.

As we didn’t have too much time to work on the project, my group (Aiden and Calum) and I got the planning for the video out of the way first. We came up with a few different ideas we could do for the video and got to filming right away. This was probably our first downfall of the project which led to the grade we ended up getting. Although all of us had really good ideas and ways to create our video, non of us took enough time to really think that out and find out ways to make our video.

Either way, we filmed almost right away and started coming up with different ideas on the spot which we would prefer over the ideas we had written down. We recorded as many different scenes as possible and picked out the ones we liked the most which we would use in our videos. We then got to editing after we finished recording.
For this project, I have to thank Aiden for editing this video on iMovie.

First thing’s first was doing all the voice recordings for the video and putting all the clips together in the right sequences and cutting them up the way we wanted it to be. I feel like that’s always the best way to start editing a video as it helps set a base for the video. Afterwards, all the effects, transitions, etc were added. We really wanted to use freeze-frames for the Do and Don’t portion of the video which would be accompanied with a big green check or a big red X. To do that, I screenshotted the parts of the video I wanted to freeze-frame and put them in Paper53 to add the checkmarks and X’s. Aside from that, the editing process was pretty textbook and produced a half decent video which can be found below…

I definitely feel like this wasn’t my best work of the year and I would mainly attribute that to the lack of time we spent planning on this video. I feel like if we took more time to sit down and talk about our video, we could’ve come out with a better outcome, but all-in-all, it’s an okay video. Thanks for checking out this post!