The Learning Portfolio of Lucas

Just a couple of words doing their thing


January 2018

SLC Episode 5: The Rise of the MPoL

You know, I’m starting to think that we’ve had as many student conferences as there have been name changes for these conferences. Anyways, it’s that time again for PLP’s take on student led conferences except once again,—PLOT TWIST— the name… Continue Reading →

You Have A Story, You Have A Story, Everyone Has A Story!

The Winter Exhibition. It’s an inevitable part of PLP and has become a fact of life for us who have been doing it for the past few years as you can see below. 8th GRADE And 9th GRADE This year… Continue Reading →

‘Cause Baby There Ain’t No Website Deep Enough

If you’ve been on the internet for long enough, chances are you might’ve heard of Tor, or The Onion Router, which has been becoming widely talked about within the past few years due to its connection to the Deep Web and… Continue Reading →

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