The Learning Portfolio of Lucas

Just a couple of words doing their thing


May 2018

#BCTECH Summit

So recently, the grade 10 cohort of PLP was given the opportunity to visit the second day of the #BCTECH Summit!   So what is the BC Tech Summit? Essentially, it’s a big convention that focuses mainly on technology and… Continue Reading →


Continuing our journey through history, we finally stumbled upon the “Big Unit”. The one everyone has been waiting for. The WWII unit… So we last left off at the beginning of the Interwar Years. We looked at the aftermath of… Continue Reading →

Energy Transformers

Ah, another unit, another project.  So recently in science, we’ve been learning about energy transformations and how energy generally works. Like always, we started off by creating a mindmap that showed our understanding on the unit and like always, none… Continue Reading →

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