
The stressful time of Blue Sky has come and gone. There was the preparation and and the execution and both and had their difficulties.

We started with the stage of pitching ideas and getting constructive criticism. We then got to the stage of showing our ideas to Ms. Willemse and Mr. Hughes (Our PLP teachers.) To say the least, there was a lot of rejection being thrown at us, forcing us to come up with a new idea that could somehow benefit the world.

I was in “Panic Mode” and thought of ideas that would be useful for people like me. I ended up coming up with a (not so) portable bike stand for mountain bikers who don’t want kickstands. I started with something like this…image

Both of these designs actually were horrible failures as both of them couldn’t support the weight of my bike. I spent a couple days building several different designs, but I finally ended up with something that worked well.  Here’s a video of me building and finishing my actual working bike stand.

The exhibit itself went quite well. We got to present all three of the projects that we’ve been working on recently in one night. There were also themed groups. I happened to be in the sports group with a few other people that had “sporty” projects.

Taking part in the Blue Sky exhibit was actually pretty fun and I look forward to doing it in 9th grade.