In preparation for our trip to Oregon, we were tasked with making three ads that focused on locations that we would be visiting. The choice was ours, but we could only choose one location per category. There would be a landscape ad, a business ad, and an advocacy ad. I chose Fort Stevens as my landscape, Cabela’s as my business, and my advocacy ad focused on how plastic harms the ocean.

I got started on my ads by thinking of an idea that I really liked and sticking with the general theme of it. Since we did get to go to Oregon and visit these locations, we had a pretty good collection of pictures that we could use for our ads. I had a graceful habit of forgetting to take pictures, weird.
Once I had some pictures that I wanted to use, I would edit them using Repix and Snapseed. I then made my ads by mainly using Canva and Phoster.
I then showed a bunch of my peers (four people) and got their feedback. I definitely think that most of their input was useful and gave me a different view of what I was making.

Saying that, here is an example of some of my “truly terrible” ads according to some haters.

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