image (My piece of the quilt.)

Quilts. They’re an interesting form of storytelling and sending messages. This was interesting enough to become a project that we’ve been working on for quite a while now. We smoothly transitioned from Greek and Roman myths to making our own civilization’s creation (or in my group’s case, over-ruling,)  and the hero responsible for many points in the plots for our quilt stories.

So to get started, we knew that our story had to start somewhere. Instead of diving straight into the details of our quilt’s story, we created the base of the story, the most general information that we could later on stretch to create a story that we all liked.  After having the main idea of our hero and civilization, we went on to creating the storyboard for the quilt.

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After my group was sure that the progression of the story was good, we went into detail and wrote down how each quilt block would look like.

My group ran smoothly throughout most of the project. We sometimes hit a bump when there were different clashing opinions which usually ended with a mix of the better parts of both ideas. What definitely made it easy to work with my group is that we would usually build on eachother’s ideas instead of shooting down ideas that maybe weren’t so great.

Sewing and all, the project was more fun than I anticipated, and it definitely went better with the awesome group I had.

(I’m probably not going to sew by choice any time soon though…)