So I’ve talked a lot about the work I do in school (mainly PLP), and the process I go through when doing my work, but what constantly goes through my head that encourages me to do my best?

Many people have rules or words they live by and I too have certain words and rules that I apply to my daily life that makes me who I am. In terms of working hard and trying to be successful, there’s a quote that I tend to think about which is featured in this quick video below…

For those who might’ve skipped the video, it was a quote from Dwayne Johnson where he says, “Success isn’t always about greatness. It’s about consistency. Consistent hard work leads to success. Greatness will come.” That quote really stuck to me as from what I understood, you shouldn’t always focus on achieving greatness. Instead, you should stick to working hard and being consistent with that hard work and greatness will follow that dedication and persistence. For me, it’s just something that helps motivate me to work hard and create great things. I found the quote here.

For example, this quick little video I put up for my “About Me” page took a little more work than one would expect. For starters, I wanted the image of this video to be more personal than a random image on the internet, so I found a picture of me playing basketball with my friends during the summer. Here’s what it originally looked like…

I then traced the image on Paper53 and changed it up a little bit more to my liking. As it is hard to capture the effect of a setting sun through a drawing app, I went for a more “colourful” look in the picture and set the filler colour of the page to be pink hence giving it the pink colour throughout the picture.

I then moved on to the audio portion of the video. I recorded myself saying the quote which was simple enough. The difficult part for me at least was to make my own background music on GarageBand. I first checked to see how long my voice recording was and then made the music based on how long the recording was.

I then started playing around with different keyboard effects until I found a lead that I could work with. I came up with a simple riff which looped twice and ended with a finishing piece for the song. As my audio recording was around 10 seconds long, I made sure that the song all together would last around 10 seconds as well. After making the base of the song with the riff, I stared structuring the song with secondary sounds such as bass, a quiet drumbeat, and keyboard effects which helped improve the song. This is what it ended up looking like on GarageBand.

After all that, I compiled everything on iMovie and got the final product that you saw in the beginning of this page. I hope you learned a little more about what I think about when working on assignments!