Going Back Home (Alberta Trip)

Hello I’m back with another post. It’s late by a few months and I just kind let it slip away and here we are now. This post will be about our one week trip to Calgary.

Main reasons for the trip:

1. Learning more about the CPR

Since we drove to Calgary from Vancouver, we passed many important parts of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Since this year’s focus in Humanities was Canada, we have to know about the CPR. The drive gave us many opportunities to see tunnels and the site of the Last Spike and other things. The part of the railway we passed on the drive was the most treacherous stretch of Canadian Railway made. Going through the Rockies, with lots of snow in the winter and wildfires, and mosquitoes in the summer, many died in the construction of the railway. Below are a few pictures.

2. Beakerhead

Beakerhead is an innovation, engineering, arts, and other creative things festival in Calgary. Although I lived 13 years in Calgary I don’t think I ever heard about this festival. It was actually pretty cool and there were a bunch of interesting stations. Below are a few pictures.

Videos we made while we were there:

We were tasked to make like 5 videos throughout the trip. A ghost town video, an enchanted forest video, an identity video and a fossil video. Two of them were in a group and the other two were individual.

In my ghost town video, I was with Kiera, Amelia R., and Gabby. In my enchanted forest video, I was with Kyle, Taylor, Lucy, and Caleb. Check the videos out below.




Highlights of the trip:

Probably my favourite part of the entire trip was when Caleb and I ran up a mountain with over a foot of snow near the highest point we got to. Wasn’t very smart of us though since we were two boys running into Grizzly bear territory. However we came out safe. Here are a few pictures of that small adventure.

My next favourite part was probably the one week trip with my best friends. That’s always fun. Although school based something seriously bad had to happen to not enjoy a trip like this one. We got to stay in hotels and the first night with the pool was legendary. I brought along my mini frisbee that last year was thrown off of the Astoria Tower in Oregon (great memories) and this year we also had a mini football. On our stop in the Banff Village, Kyle Jackson and I played football on the field in the middle of Banff with a beautiful view of the mountains. Here are a few pictures.

Most things in Calgary we saw were still the same from when I lived there. I would’ve loved to meet up with a friend while I was there but unfortunately I wasn’t able to. I barely got to say hello to one friend.

Well you have reached the end of this post.

The land is part of our identity (Unit end)


For this unit’s main project, we were tasked with making a video about the land impacts our identities and explain this with examples from places on our trip.

We were supposed to have another draft but I didn’t get that done so Ms. Maxwelljust gave me a few tips to make the video.

Here’s my final draft of my video.


See you soon,
