Video Reflection

Helllo I´m back. This post will focus on my experience with video making. Up until now we have been making video after video in Humanities, Maker, and Science.

So far for me video making hasn´t been too fun. I haven´t really enjoyed it especially having to edit the videos. That´s why in several group videos we´ve made so far I´ve ended up as more of the actor instead of the editor. A few good examples for this past point were the 2 videos below.

Probably my best individual video so far has been my Identity video. I probably put the most time into this one and took the most photos and videos for it. Here it is below.

I think another problem, was that we had lots of requirements for each video and that made a lot less fun. I think maybe the teachers were a bit too picky for a video. But that´s what they´re teaching. I made a video completely separate without any restrictions with my friend Nik, and making that one was way more fun and somehow easier to make.

Well you have reached the end of my reflection about videos.


Well it’s back. Mpols A.K.A. Mid-year Presentation of Learning are something that we do twice a year. If you don’t remember from last year, it’s a meeting with my parents and my teacher where I talk about some good things I did and somethings I can improve on.


So far in Science we’ve worked chemistry and electric currents. I´m prouder of my electric current unit where we incorporated that into the Metaphor Machines project. Although a minor part, we had to make a circuit with LEDs and put into our machine.

However, the Chemistry Unit was harder in my opinion. The task was making an animation with two characters (atomic elements). I had a partner for the project, Fraser. And learning about chemistry seemed more confusing than the electric circuits, and currents.

A chemistry reflection

In math all we’ve done exponents as an actual project. We´re not done yet this part so all I can say is we were tasked with creating a card game that includes exponents and exponent laws. I´m with Jason and Izzy.  Since I got back a week late from winter break they already had a game pretty much so I have mostly just done like smaller suggestions fo the game itself.

I think overall in Scimatics I mostly just need to work on listening a bit more because i often find myself pretty distracted.


Humanities this year has been focused on the Canadian history. We’ve had to incorporate the video skills from Maker into several of our Humainties projects. In Humanities I think I’ve done a lot better than Maker and mostly staying on top of things. I’ve had a few slip ups like my Identity video, but in the end I was actually pretty proud of that video except for the fact that it was late.

I think honestly for Humanities the biggest thing I can improve on is handing things in on time. I think that the work I have done has had a pretty good quality. If I get things on time, I can get more feedback and try and improve on my projects.

Another project I was proud of was our metaphor machines. However I think I could improve on my engagement or idea contribution. For the project I did a bit of everything and went to where my group needed a bit of assistance.

A Metaphorical Revolution!!!


Maker’s main focus this year has been making videos. Something that I have particularly struggled with. I have kept falling behind but now I’m caught up and I’m going to try and stay on time for the rest fo the year. Liked I talked about in my video reflection post, I haven’t enjoyed making all these videos. I don’t like doing it very much.

Video Reflection

Probably the best individual video I made so far has been my live event video. I handed it in pretty late and never got time for feedback. I kept telling myself I was just trying to improve it on my own time, but I really wasn’t. It would’ve been better to hand in something not that a good and get some feedback instead of having nothing.


This year’s new class of PGP has had a huge emphasis on goal setting. Which I understand to a certain point however I think maybe it’s a bit too much. Goals help, but so far my motivation has come more from like playing hockey or being able to go play some golf or basketball with my friends. It gives me more of a drive.

We were asked to read the book below, and I’m going to  be honest with you I found it very boring and I didn’t read it. I was given a book pretty similar or at least overlapped in a few things in my opinion but it was s more sport based. That one was less boring.

My dream board:

We were asked to make a dream board for this Mpol. Dream boards ar supposed to remind you what you want to do and keep striving for those things. MY dream board, I’ve got sports at the top. Hockey and socccer are the biggest part of my life that’s not mandatory. I want to keep playing as much possible and I would love to play college hockey when I get into university. Below, I wrote my boys. My little brother and my friends are what keep a day light at school. Without them life wouldn’t be to great. And it’s just good make friends anywhere you go, because they keep you entertained, and friends could eventually open new doors for you, like when you’re looking for a job and then you would return the favour. Below that is future interests. I’m still not certain what I want to study in university but law sounds interesting, and business, could be open lots of doors. And finally in the bottom right, I wrote down Fun stuff. If all goes well there will be time for fun stuff, so I should use those things as motivation to succeed in whatever I’m doing and have time to play golf with my friends or go to the beach.

Well this is the end of this post. In six months a similar one to this one will show up and hopefully I have improved my work by then.

Winter Exhibition, Psych I Dipped to Colombia

Hello I’m back with another post. About the Winter Exhibition I wasn’t at. This year it was a group project and I’ll get into more detail below.


So, this year the exhibition was with a group. My group was the largest because 2 of us left. Jordyn to Jamaica and I left to Colombia (more on that later on). Anyways in my group was Kyle, Jason, Gabby, Jordyn, Fraser, and of course, myself. Our task was to create a story and bring it to life in a room. So get and idea for this we read a few different stories to learn how to set a mood or make the room tell a story.

That’s why we also got to go on a field trip to an escape room which was pretty fun. However it also had to include a bit of science. In my recent post about chemistry, I talk about my animation with Fraser. Well this time we kind of had to combine 3 group’s animations in to our exhibition.

In my opinion, probably my major contribution for my group was designing, cutting out and assembling the cash for our project. Below are the samples.

I honestly think I could’ve stepped up and gotten more involved because ultimately our story kind of got voted out and cast away. I

Now for the probably more interesting and definitely more fun part of this post.


On January 19th, about 33 hours before the start of th exhibition I was at the airport headed for Colombia.

I had a 1 day stop at the beach in Cancún and then headed for Bogotá, the capital of Colombia. It has an elevation of 2600 meters above sea level, the third highest capital city in the world. The day I arrived, my uncle took me on a hike up to Montserrate, a hill in Bogotá that goes up to 3100 meters above sea level. Surprisingly I wasn’t too exhausted and it was a beautiful view.

Probably the biggest difference between Colombia and Canada was sheer population density. There are 5 million more people in Colombia than there are in Canada and it’s almost ten times smaller. Here, motorcycles are for recreation, in Colombia it’s very important form of transportation since they’re a lot more maneuverable than a car.

In the middle right of the picture, you can see a police motorcycle cutting between cars.


When I got back to Vancouver it sounded deserted after Bogotá, where cars are swerving and honking, motorcycles cut between cars and there are street vendors everywhere.

However one of th highlights of my trip were some beautiful waterfalls at the end of a hike over to mountains.

Well you reached the end of this post about the exhibition and why I skipped. Sorry about the lack of pictures a the top but I didn’t really take any.

A chemistry reflection

Hello. Again. This post is going to be about my chemistry unit. Enjoy.

At the very start of the unit we were tasked with making a mind map with questions on what we want to learn in this unit. Below is mine.

Main things I learned this unit:

The main concepts we needed to know for this unit’s project were covalent bonding and ionic bonding.

Ionic bonding:

Ionic bonds on the other hand, tend to between a metal and a non metal. One of them is positive and one is negative causing an attracting effect because they’re opposites.

Covalent bonding:

Covalent bonds when two atoms share electrons in a most common example to hydrogens with one electron each will now share 2 electrons.

Chemistry Stories:

Our main project this unit was our Chem Stories video. It was a partner project and my partner was the tall man Fraser. To pick our partners we did a short activity where everyone got a card with an element on it. You had to try and pair up with somebody that would make your element stable. I got like sodium which had a +1 positive charge and Fraser got like oxygen with a -2 charge. So I needed 2 sodium to complete oxygen’s valence shell.

If you want to check out Fraser’s viewpoint on the unit hit the box below.


This was our finished product. Hope you enjoy.

At the very end of the unit, we were asked to go back to our mindmaps and write down what we learned in a different colour. Below is  the revised mind map.

Well that was my Grade 9 chemistry unit summed up. See you soon.