WW1 — Billy Bishop

Hello. This is my last grade 9 humanities post. And it’s about WW1. Let’s get it.

For the past month and a bit we’ve been studying WW1.

Learning about WW1:

Like a lot of people know, the event that really started the war was when a Serbian Extremist killed the Archduke of the Austri0-Hungarian Empire, Franz Fernidand. Many other things led up to the war but when the Archduke got killed, Austria-Hungary declared war on Serbia, Russia came to Serbia’s aid, Germany was allied to Austria-Hungary and so it became a tangled and complicated war that would spread out across the world.

For a better explanation check out the video below.


A few of the boys and I made a short video about what happened in WW1 if it were a bar fight. It isn’t super clear but it helped us understand the conflict a bit better.

We’ve also watched plenty of videos from the YouTube channel “The Great War”. My teacher really seems to like the guy in it Indie Nidel.

The project:

We each had to create a video about a certain aspect of the war through a Canadian Perspective.

Other people who chose to do a stop motion were Kyle, Taylor, and Sam.

My video:


I decided to make a stopmotion, partly because I’d never done one and it looks cool and also I thought it would be the best way to show the information and story I was trying to bring to light.


My screenplay was essentially my script. And it was almost the first screenplay I’ve written by myself for this year.

It served mostly as my script because I only had voiceovers in my video.

Cove Cliff visit:

As part of the end of the project we went to Cove Cliff to show our videos to the Grade 6 and 7s. My little brother is that age so I was expecting them to Behave similarly to him. Since the start of the project we had to focus on making our videos for a younger age. I presented to three groups. The first group was 2 boys who were really engaged but I could tell they were losing interest when I gave them questions to answer. I then went to a group of 8 girls. Honestly I felt very intimated in front of them. And my last group was a group of boys who were really interested in all the videos in they watched. However I could tell they were starting to lose interest. So talking to them about what they like to do outside of school worked a lot better.


I really enjoyed learning how to make the stop motion, it was a lot easier than I thought. I’d been told it was very time-consuming but it wasn’t so bad. I’d say I already knew a fair bit about the war but this unit made us think about it differently and in more depth.

Well that about wraps it up for this year.

See ya.

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