Growth Mindset V.S. Fixed Mindset

Hello again. This post is about what we’ve had drilled into our heads for the past two months.

Close to the start of the year we saw a video of a cat who was trying to get into a hammock. He tried and tried for several months but kept falling off. He eventually learned a technique that worked all the time. Here’s the video.

We learned that you’re not just born with a certain amount of talent or a growth mindset. If you have a fixed mindset you can change. You can even just start off with finishing sentences like “I can’t do it” to “I can’t do it, yet”. It will move on to most other things you do.

We were asked to make sketch notes from a video called “Why you need to fail.”These were my sketch notes which are line the person said with drawing representing the line. This was my work.

The video that went a long with it is this one, if you want to watch and see what it’s about.

One of the assignments I thought I did pretty well was a paragraph about somebody you knew or a famous person with a growth mindset. I chose to do it about my grandpa. As I knew him he was really friendly and he was always looking at the bright side of things. Here’s what I wrote about him.

Last year there was a poster in my class which I noticed every day. It was a comparison of different things from a growth mindset vs a fixed mindset. I didn’t understand, but after this unit I can see the differences better. I noticed it again in one of the posts of our iTunes U course. Below is a picture of it.

Right now we’re in the middle of probably the biggest project of the unit. We had to create long-term goals for ourselves and have a picture of your face. After that we had to edit the picture a bit and put the goal somewhere on the picture. We’ve had a few drafts and we’ve been able to use new apps. We’ve undergone several critique processes. The goal had to be a sentence that was not too broad but not to specific. We had to find wording to make the goal sound the best possible.


Draft 1

Draft 2

Honestly, after getting this idea drilled into our heads for two months it was getting boring. But that’s just my opinion. Although I do recognize that it will be able to help us in the future.

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