🏃Running a remake 🩵

Hi, it’s Maggie!

In this post I will be sharing my journey through remaking a short horror film.

How it started

A few weeks ago when we walked into class, our teacher showed us a quick preview of a short film called RUN  then she told us straight away that we had an hour to copy the exact film and do it ourselves with random groups that we got put in.   Me and my group quickly claimed a forestry area and started to film, there were so many different types of shots that we had to include with only a little bit of time. When we finished we headed back in side and started to edit, by adding sound and editing all the clips to make the film the exact time, which was 1:17. 

The next class

When we walked into the same class about a few days later, we all had to sit in our groups and the whole class had to watch everyone’s films and then give feedback to the group. Then we also learned that we had to remake the remake video that we had created the class before. We were put in the same group as before but we were allowed to switch up the different roles. My roles were main runner and costume designer for the group. 

The process of remaking then remaking a film

I was a bit nervous to remake another film. I just hoped that the sound this time would math up better then it did before. We also struggled with making sure we had all of our shots and weren’t missing anything. I really liked our final product and was happy with how clear the shots eneded up being. We also got 314 views ( with only 8 likes 🥹).

The driving question 

The driving question to this project was How might we learn video skills by recreating a short film? My answer to that question would be that its like going back to check your work twice you get the second chance to make something you think is great or not to be every better. We could learn new things about yourself such as for me as I am currently taking drama in school it has helped me with me have more confidence acting in front of others.

The final product

I will attach the final video to this post so that you can watch it. Personally I thought that me and my group did a really great job on compleating the task. We all divided the work equally throughout the group. 

Here is the original video:


Here is the final product:


Thanks for taking the time to read my post! Hope you enjoy 😊!


Hi its Maggie!

What’s TYKTWD?

You’ve probably read the title of this post and thought what’s TYKTWD? TYKTWD stands for Take your kid to work day. Last Wednesday we were assigned to go with a parent or another adult to their work. I went with my dad to his work he does boat insurance so it would be exciting to see how a day at work was for him , I also brought one of my other friends from school. 

How the day went

Around 9 am I left the house with my Dad and we went to pick up my school friend, and then we started our decent to the office. It probably took about 20 -30 minutes to get there. As we arrived I took some photos and a video of the building. Then we got to go and take a look in the office and it was really exciting to see where he works, I met all of the co workers who were super funny and kind. After I introduced myself and my friend, we made our space in the board room and I started doing our interviews for school.

The main bit of doing interviews was getting the co workers perspective of this job, like what’s super fun that you do here? I really enjoyed doing the interviews especially with having the help of the mini microphones. Later in the day we got to walk my dog Daisy down to the pet bakery to get treats! We also got to paint this super boring pot and turn it into something beautiful. When we had to leave around 5 I had said thanks to all the amazing workers and we had to return home.



Here’s a pic of my dog Daisy at work.

Thank you Email

We had to create a thank to the parent or adult that you went with.

Hi Dad,

Thank you so much for taking the time to teach me all about what you do for work, I found lots of it to be quite interesting. My video looks so amazing with the help from you and your coworkers so make sure to thank them from me. I’m really excited to show my video with the rest of the world so that they too can learn about what boat insurance is all about.

Kind regards,


Driving question

The driving question to this project was

How does experiencing a workday shape our view of career choices? My answer to that question would be trying to new things will help you figure out what you would like to do in the near future, I think that its great to try anything you would want to so you can find what you love and could try focusing on that. It’s even ok if you think you love doing something but it doesn’t actually happy, it’s alright if you want to try something else. I think that would be my answer to the driving question.


For the other bit of this project we had to create a 3-4 minute video about the day with different camera shots and post it to YouTube.

Here’s a copy of my video! If you get a chance make sure to take a look!



In conclusion I found Boat insurance to be a cool job, but I don’t think I would like to have a career in that direction. I’m really happy that I got to have to experience it and find out something new about myself.

Thanks for reading!




By November 18, 2024.  No Comments on ✨TYKTWD✨  Maker   

Winter Exhibition ❄️ and more!

Hi it’s Maggie again! In this post I will be sharing my last portion of work for this project

What we had to do:

We had to work with a group to create 3 different acts in a tableaux. We had to do medieval, Renaissance and contemporary. And present it to friends family and other class mates. We took 2 weeks practicing and creating 3 acts. It was hard especially since we had the smallest group and it was hard to make it work with only 4 people. I didn’t think that when it was time to perform we were going to make a fool of ourselves. But I was wrong. Our group had some of the best props and we crushed the performance. We did amazing and everyone incorporated on making the project amazing!


We had to create a Renaissance piece of art but with our face just like the one we did for the medieval times. In the background we had to choose specific pieces of art that were created in Renaissance times. I choose all of the pieces of artwork because they all have a special meaning in my piece.

Here is a photo of my Renaissance artwork that I created.

Moon and sun:

In my artwork there is a picture of the sun and the moon. The reason that I included this photo into my artwork, is because I believe that we used the sun and the moon for everything before clocks were invented. In todays time we still use the sun and the moon to tell what time it is in the day and when it is morning and night.


I added this piece of artwork because it shows the climate in the Renaissance and how they treated the environment. They would take advantage of the plants and crops. Only the wealthy would grow crops and have land with animals. We still have farmers and eat plants that grow on farms. But we need to take a better care of our planet and the environment. We can help by using less plastic and recycle more often.


I incorporated the picture of how a clock looked liked in Renaissance time. It is very important that we remember that we have not always end had clocks in the past.  We still use clocks in todays time. We use clocks for everything. If the clock had never been invented we would not be where we are today. They used clocks for lots of things during the renaissance. 


What the exhibition is:



 Me and my group represented our tableaux at the exhibition, and it was awesome. I think we did a really great job of acting out what is was like during medieval and Renaissance times. Here are some photos of are tableaux at the exhibition.

This is the medieval act.

This is the Renaissance act.

This is the contemporary act.


If you haven’t checked out my medieval post and want to learn more about it just click here and take a look 👀.https://www.blog44.ca/maggiet/

Amazing Art Workshop!

Have you ever drawn art all week? We did, wanna find out how it went?

This week in maker class we did a drawing workshop here is what we created.


One of the drawing assignments was to create a robot on sketches pro with 2d shapes. For my robot I decided to use lots of varieties of colours and to add nice shading. When I was creating my robot, I really like the triangles and stacking sheep on top of each other to make a robot. My favourite part of my robot is probably the little stars on its head and how it looks super cute. I also really liked how I would fade the different colours of blue on the top of it’s head and how the colours matched really nicely together. My robots name is Starie, I really liked that name just because it showed the colours and the idea of stars and really night time colours.

Here is a photo of Starie the robot:


For the next drawing assignment we had to pick a word, I choose to my name. We had to use different fonts and colours and shading and you could pick any style or texture you wanted to use to create it. I really like how mine turned out and I’m really happy with the colours and really just how it looks. I think my favourite part of my name artwork was the first colour which was like the salmon pink on the front and just how the font turned out really nicely. I also really liked the collaboration of colours and how I put it together. One thing that I definitely learned while creating this artwork was that I just used my creativity and chose a few colours that I really liked and they turned out really nicely together and I also learned that it’s really fun to create words or names with your own design. Here is a photo of my name:


This next drawing assignment was definitely one of my top favourites that we did. What we had to do we got a template, and we had to create a brand, and we had to explain what it was what it did, and then the second step of that was to create a logo, which was really fun. My logo was called Chippetes. My brand idea was supposed to be about cookies, but not just any normal chocolate chip cookies would be but miniature cookies! Think of regular chocolate chip cookies as small but not too small, just a decent size. You know those brownies, One Bite Brownies? Think of that, but just as a cookie. The type of Chippetes cookie could be any type, but just miniature. It was really fun creating a brand and imagining what it could be. My favourite part was writing the template, creating ideas and imagining that the brand was real and how it would look. I definitely learned that! I really enjoy doing logos and I’m happy that I found that about myself. It was really cool to custom design my own logo. I really enjoyed using my creativity to manage all my colours together the same thing with my name artwork.  I choose colours that I enjoy creating with it

Here is a photo of my logo:


 Overall this was my favourite drawing assignment. We had to create our own emojis from scratch, or we could take one and put them together to make a new one. I chose to use the sparkle and the happy face emoji. I really like my emoji and how it turned out. My favourite part of my emoji is the pink cheeks that I worked really hard on blending it into the emoji. The hardest part of creating this emoji was to find a different yellow for the sparkles that wasn’t the same yellow as the emoji, but I think I found two really nice yellows that match together. 

Here is a photo of my emoji:


In conclusion I learned many things while doing this workshop. I am happy that I got to express my creativity through art this week. Thanks for reading.

By December 11, 2023.  No Comments on Amazing Art Workshop!  Maker   

Medevial Times

Have you ever wondered what life was like in the medevial times?

For our Project we had to read the Book of the lion and create a piece of medieval art. The driving question for this project was, what can we learn for the past and why does it matter to us today.

The book of the lion:

For the first step on this project, we had to read The book of the lion. Every week once we had finished reading the specific portion of the book we had to meet with groups and do role sheets like, what we did for the Outsiders. Our first role sheet was to read chapters 1 to 10 and then number 2 was 11 to 24 and 24 to the end of the book. I really enjoyed reading the book and thought it was interesting. What I learned about medieval was that their were points in time that have changed and have stayed the same. Comparing the past to the future I learned many things. In the past women did not have any rights and were considered property of men, but nowadays that isn’t how women are treated where I live but in other parts of the world lots of women still don’t have the rights that men have.


The artwork:

In  the artwork we had to create an art chart and describe all of the medieval art and incorporate it into are design. I took this photo of a medieval art piece. I am really happy with how my art turned out and how I created it. I tried to find a photo that s kind of like me. Once we had added our head to the art, we needed to add the rest of the art piece’s to the background our art, also we had to explain why we chose those pieces of art and what they are. Here is a photo of the finishing artwork. 


What I learned:

I learned so many things about what had happend in the past and comparing it to today. I learned that not all medieval art is inappropriate. Also I found out that I really enjoy learning about history and events that had happend in the past. Some things from the past are still relevent to today, I thought that it was interesting to learn and think about for are future and what its going to look like for the next genoration.

Thanks for reading!

By November 27, 2023.  No Comments on Medevial Times  Humanities   

It’s the end of my time as we know it.


Have you ever heard of The outsiders? I had never even heard about it. But by the end of this project I know everything thing thier is to know about The outsiders. Just wait and see.


What we had to:

Our goal for this project was broken down into many parts. Part 1: first thing we needed to do was start the book “ the outsiders” every week we would have needed to have read a specific portion of the book. Once we have done the chapters that we were meant to read we were, meant to complete a role sheet. Role sheets are meant to reflect on the part of the book we had just read and to share with your group your thoughts and opinions about the book. For me I didn’t mind reading the outsiders, sure it was a little outdated and some rude humour but I enjoyed reading it.



Here is a picture of the outsiders book:


Next step was to take your information about the book and the characters worldviews and compare it with your own worldview. Then we had to list to the song “ it’s the end of the world as we know it”, we needed to listen to different versions of the song plus trying to work with a group and create song lyrics that match the beat of the original song. We needed to make the lyrics refer to our worldview and how it’s changing from our transition from primary school to high school. And record the song all together.


Here is a link to the original song of “it’s the end of the world as we know it”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8OyBtMPqpNY

Working with my group: 

This was my first time in plp working with a group, it was hard to communicate outside of school on massages. It was hard but I think we did a really great job at completing this assignment. We tried our best to all come in before school and get some of the work done before class. The hardest part was getting photos of us when we were younger kids. Because we had to go through all of our photos and pick out specific ones. 


What I learned while creating this project.

I learn all of these cool tips on iMovie so next time I need to use that app I know a cool few tricks to make my future assignments look good. I learned that working with a group in plp is really fun and exciting, especially to work with people that I have never even talked to. I also learned about different worldviews and how my worldview and the outsiders characters worldviews were so different to how my worldview and how it changes over time. I also found out that my singing voice isn’t that bad!

I really enjoyed creating this project and seeing how all of these steps that I had to complete had all added up into this super cool video, although it’s a bit embarrassing for me and my group members to watch I hope that others will enjoy looking at it.



I’m an amazing PLP 8 learner!

Hi it’s Maggie again! 

So this post will be about me reflecting on my recent project. The driving question for the project was becoming a plp learner. In the presentation I show and tell about how I am a plp 8 learner. 

Hope you enjoy!


Here is my YouTube video. I had lots of fun creating this video presentation! I have noticed that in my work that all of my slides in the video I make it very bright and happy so it’s makes the audience exited and entertained when they are watching.


Overall I am really quite pleased with how it turned out. But there are always things I can improve on.

One of my biggest fails on the presentation was the sticker transitions, I thought half of them looked nice but the last 4 transitions looked messy and I could have my the whole slide look more clear. I feel like the background looked really unorganized so I think i could make it look neater. My favourite sticker is the dog because it reminds me of my dog, Daisy the golden doodle and how she would sit just like that to beg for food.

Something that I learned about my self while creating this presentation is that I love adding bright colours and sparkles to every slide. I would definitely use my creative skills on future PLP and other presentations.

Here is a picture of my great shoe!


The slide that I am most proud of would be the shoe I loved how much colour I used in creating the  shoe, the patterns are my favourite part of the whole shoe, I would definitely wear this shoe. It definitely shows that as a PLP learner I like to add lots of colours and fun patterns to my projects. I really enjoy being creative when working on assignments.

I’m happy that I learned all of these new skills on keynote, so that in future assessments where we are supposed to use keynote I will know all of the cool and fun skills to make my project look really cool.


Doing this project has shown me so many new and exiting things about myself. I mostly already knew that i liked adding colour to my work but i found out that the more colour and exiting details, the more it entertains the person who is watching. It makes me happy to know that whoever is watching my video is happy to be looking at it.


I loved doing this project and enjoyed creating this!

Thanks for watching!

Pointe shoes

My teacher asked us to write about anything, so I chose to write about pointe shoes. As you probably know, you wear pointe shoes in ballet. Although it looks beautiful on stage there is a lot of sweat and pain going in to dancing with pointe shoes. Wearing pointe shoes takes a lot of practice to make it look amazing and graceful. Pointe shoes last 4 months to 1 year. You know that you can’t wear them anymore when they get sad and loose on your feet, we call those dead point shoes. Pointe shoes cause a lot of pain to wear, when you put on shoes you have to tape your toes with special tape so you don’t damage your toe, when dancing in the shoes. Pointe shoes will easily give you bad blisters, when the shoe rubs against your feet. You buy the shoes but add the elastics and ribbons with a needle and thread yourself. Lots of the advanced ballerinas get their shoes to match their own skin colour.

Facts about Pointe shoes

Once pointe shoes are dead you should never wear them again, it could damage your feet.

There are 5 parts of the shoe that you need to know about when wearing pointe shoes.

The first pair of pointe shoes were invented in1795.


Here is a video  of the sugar plum fairy from Royal Opera House 2017 nutcracker. Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zV1qLYukTH8


Thanks for reading hope you enjoyed!


By October 27, 2023.  No Comments on Pointe shoes  Maker   

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By October 13, 2023.  No Comments on Hello world!  Maker, Uncategorized