Hello everyone welcome back to my blog! I have not posted in forever as we have been on summer break but I am back and ready to tell you about our first Scimatics 9 project. For this project the driving question was How does math make games more complex, interesting, and re-playable? So my group created a game including exponents to answer this question. In my group I had Hannah and Declan so we worked together to create a cool game but first we had to learn about exponents and about all of the exponent laws. So that I do not bore you with a bunch of unneeded information I will just talk about the most important Milestones/steps and the Curricular Competencies.
MindMap & Milestone 1
The first thing we did was create a MindMap like always with all the informationΒ we already knew about exponents and the questions we had about them. After spending some time on that we moved onto Milestone 1, creating small quick games using dice. For these small dice rolling games we got to choose our group so in mine I had Hannah and Claire. These small games helped us understand what we needed to add to make our game rules clear and at the same time we also needed to make sure we added all the objects and piece’s were included.Β
Milestone 4 & 5:
Milestone 4 and 5 were the main part of the actual project. These Milestones were draft 1 and draft 2 of our actual game. Just to recap this is the game I did with Hannah and Declan. Here I will be talking about both of those milestones but lets start with Milestone 4. For Milestone 4 we had to create the first draft of our game rules, this meant working as a team to brainstorm what game we wanted to do, what it could look like, and how we would include some of the exponent laws into it.Β Then after we handed in Milestone 4 we got feedback on it and started working on our second draft, Milestone 5. For draft we needed to update our rules to go with the feedback we got and then complete our actual game board, cards, and game pieces.Β Here is what our final game rules and game ended up looking like.
Curricular Competencies:
Reasoning and Analyzing:
I think our group did a good job on this competency because we had a clear points system and everything in our instructions were clear. I think we could have done a better job on the points system because people seemed to have the most questions about that. Β
Communication and Representing:
Our instructions are clear on what each player does when its their turn. In our game we use 4 different exponent laws and those exponent law questions are in each play that the players play. I think we could have wrote out better questions on our question sheets, so that they are not as easy. Other then that I think we did good on this competency.Β
Applying and Innovating:
For most of the time my group and I used our class time well, we got everything done in class except for the cards which we needed to do at home for the paper. I think we did very good at this competency because we were always on task except for when we were finished everything which we then just worked on other work. An example of this is when we were creating our game board, our whole group worked together to create an draw in all of the spots.Β
Overall I am happy with the end result of our game but I could not have done it without my group members Hannah and Declan so go check out there blogs before you go. I hope you enjoyed reading about our first grade scimatics project, and I hope you enjoyed the final product.
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