Hello and welcome back to my blog! Our recent project focused on the Manhattan Project. For this project, we were challenged with the task of creating a book following specific aspects of the Manhattan Project.Β 

We started this project by revisiting the meaning of historical significance. which involved understanding the different types including individual, regional, national, or global. This led to the first activity we completed where we got to pick a topic and write a paragraph using the C-E-R framework. Choosing my topic, Terry Fox, I was able to write a strong parapragh with evidence. Despite needing both primary and secondary sources for research (which I did not realize at first), multiple revisions enhanced my work’s clarity and support.

As we started to transition into the Manhattan Project, our research and learning covered a wide range of topics including the people involved, project basics, bomb physics, war impact, the Trinity Test, and Canada’s role.

After being placed in a team of 6 Hannah, Colton, Sean, Carter, Faith and I started creating our interactive digital book. We throughly planned and assigned tasks, inspired by Colton’s idea of our book theme being Oppenheimer’s Journal. I feel this is when things really started to come together because we had a solid idea that was easy to continue and follow throughout our book. We decided that all our writing would be in Oppenheimer’s perspective which I feel added a cool aspect as it would add authenticity along with styling the journal pages to look old/worn.

We assigned roles, mine being the graphic design/illustrator and research/writing. I took the initiative to create chapter three which was all about the Trinity Test and the dropping of the bombs. This is when I started research on my topic. I think writing this chapter was one of my favourite parts of this project because I feel I really got to know my topic and everything I learned was quite fascinating. Before I started writing I researched some extra facts as it needed to be in Oppenheimer’s perspective and I wanted to make sure I captured every important moment. I went through a few different versions of my writing before landing on the one I put in the book. After the group members who were on the field study got back I made sure to add facts that they learned in New Mexico that weren’t mentioned in any sources. The one I thought was the most interesting was that they purchased all pillows, mattresses, and blankets from surrounding towns during the Trinity Test when they were raising the β€œgadget” up the tower. If you want to read my entire chapter click on the document below or to see my writing process click β€œEntry III – 1945”.

During this project we underwent a 66% check-in to provide insights on our progress. I personally enjoyed these check-ins because it not only allows your teachers to see your progress but made it easy to look back on in the future. Unfortunately I was sick for a week towards to end of this project so I was unable to complete our second 87% check-in. However, we completed additional tasks during the final week including a group work assessment and analyzing a speech Oppenheimer addressed towards the Association of Los Alamos Scientists. In the multi-paragraph essay about Oppenheimer’s speech we had to answer whether he regrets his contribution to the first atomic bomb. After the first time I read it I decided to go with yes, however we later on read the text with the entire class and I have now changed my answer to no. I ended up revising my multi-paragraph essay not only to change my answer but to ensure I have accomplished everything in the rubric. Check out my original and revised multi-paragraph essays down below!

Overall, I actually really enjoyed this project. I’m super happy with how well everyone in my group worked together. We completed the majority of the work by dividing it evenly which I think helped ensure nobody had an overload of work which created a rewarding learning experience. If you haven’t checked out our final book yet, check it out down below!