Bodies long dead, but not forgotten.

Marcus here. So a little while ago we made these paper bodies of people that were important in rome’s history, my team consisted of Me, Adam, Aiden, Quinn and James. Oh and the person we did was Gaius Julius Caeser. So yeah, here are our notes.


He was born in 100 BC and died in 44 BC.

Caesar, Crassus and Pompey formed a political alliance that was dominant in Roman Politics for many years.

Gaius Julius Caeser was a Roman politician, general and known author of Latin prose. He played a important role in the events that led to the demise of the Roman Republic and the rise of the Roman Empire.

In 60 BC, Caeser and other statesmen formed a political alliance that dominated Roman politics for many years.

These achievements gave him unmatched military power.

Turned the Roman Republic into the powerful Roman Empire.

Was eventually assassinated.

When Caesar died, the empire grew from Southern Europe to West Asia and Northern Africa.

father of Augustus, Ceasarion, and Julia Ceasaris

During his time in office, Caesar had to deal with many civil wars, where he won every single one.

He once said “men freely believe that which they desire.”

So those are the small notes we made on him. Sorry they are so separated, but that makes it easier for you to distinguish them from one another. So, the next part will be the representation, so I will add a picture of the body. 

Colour- Crimson Red because of his success in wars and his death by assassination.

Spine- A map of where he conquered.

Virtues- Commitment, drive, bravery, leadership, dignity. Vices- Greed, Division of Society.

Change- From a war general and a politician to the most powerful Roman Emperor.

Symbols- Wreath, sword, robe, crown, statue, blood.

Placement- Text will appear inside and outside of the body, and the images.

That was the representation part of it, so I will now put in the thing we said for our presentation of the body.


Our topic is on one of the most powerful rulers of all time, Julius Caesar. Caesar was born in 100 BC to a patrician family. When he was born, Rome was still a republic and was just turning into an empire, which meant the senators ruled. He grew up as a politician and joined the consul in 59 BC. 


Caesar worked hard as part of the consul and became commander of two provinces in Eastern Europe for five years. Shortly after that term, he became a military leader. 


When he was in the military, he led a numerous amount of campaigns, which led him to fame. He wrote a couple of books to spread the word about his name and soon became a Roman hero. 


While in pursuit of Pompey, Caesar fell in love with Cleopratra. They met by a dramatic introduction which cleopatra set up. Although he was 51 and cleopatra was 21, they both showed affection towards each other. Caesar led cleopatra to become queen of Egypt. 


Soon after he became a military general, he became ruler of Rome. When Caesar was ruler, he conquered almost all of Europe and parts of Asia and Africa. After being in command for around 5 years, many people became very worried about his power, so he was assassinated by his friends. Today, Julius Caesar is one of the most well known rulers of all time

And that’s it! Enjoy!

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