Did men drown during the Renaissance? Because I’m drowning now.

For the past while we have been studying the renaissance. We’ve looked at novels, art, great men, and what those men have done. Because the world then was filled with great men like Leonardo da Vinci and all those other people that did cool stuff. 
So the big thing at the end of it all was that we had to fill out a triple Venn diagram comparing and contrasting an artist, scientist and thinker. 

Now, i chose Baccio D’Angelo, Marcus Antonius Antimachus and Jean Baptise Denys

The other piece of work we had to do was to draw a picture that described what parts of the renaissance have had an affect on modern worldview. Now, mine may be simple, but sometimes, simple is best. 

Art led to the great works of today, viewed by the masses

Nobles lead to business leaders, who hold economic power over others.

Trade led to today’s economy, resulting in people being able to provide for themselves.

Scientific process led to mathematics, the sciences and technology.

These are what is represented.

Thank you Very much for reading,  and I’ll see you again. (Probably)

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