What’s a better way to start off the year than to begin with another game board project!
As usual we had several milestones but the main topic for this topic were exponents and how we could use them in our board games.
We got into groups of two or three and began brainstorming ideas on what games to make and what rules to use. I worked with two of my friends, Cole and Landon to create the final product.
In the first couple weeks we completed some exponent work sheets to further expand our understanding so that we could put them into our game in multiple ways.
Around the middle of the project we had a test on some of the exponent laws we learned about because what kind of class are you in if you don’t have a test every once in a while?
You may have recognized the name of one of classmates Sepaus in the title of the game. We asked for permission to use him as the “Monster” in our game that you are planning to stay away from as you play with your own characters.
Starting to make the rules started off to a slow start because one partner got sick, then when he returned to school, the other got sick and then the entire project was due in a couple days.😬
We all came to my place and worked hard for a solid 3 hours and finished building this master piece.
Even though we were a bit behind, we finished on time and had lots of fun sharing our game and playing other’s games.
After getting our feedback on the game I feel pretty proud with the mark we got, a☀️.
Reasoning and Analyzing
We created a clear and simple points system and win conditions for the game which we created specifically for our game.
Communicating and Representing
We did create a complete, interesting, and personalized set of instructions but something we did miss out on was putting 4 different exponent laws into the game.
Applying and Innovating
Most of our class time was used efficiently to work on our assignments and project work to finish on time. Even though there were some distractions or we were a bit tired, we worked hard on our work.
Cheers 👋