TPol 23’ 💢

Hello and welcome to my TPol. TPol stands for Transitional-Presentation-Of-Learning which serves as evidence that I improved and grew as a learner this past year. Throughout my TPol I will talk about several projects and and assignments that prove that I am ready to transition from Gr. 10 to Gr. 11.

Declaration of Learning

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.”


Reflecting on my courses this year

Humanities, Maker, PGP, Math+Science


With so much changing this year like new teachers and classes, I feel confident that I managed to keep myself together and grow as a learner in this class. The only way to succeed is to also fail so here are some of my “F.A.I.L.s” and Successes.

Humanities “FAILs” and Successes :

  • Enjoyment & Understanding Of Topics Learned
  • Creating Quality Work
  • Balancing School With Extra Curricular Life
  • Growing And Maintaining A Sophisticated Grade Level
  • Scheduling 
  • Organization
  • Getting A Jump-Start On Projects

My last Humanities project, Lies and Incongruences, stood out from the rest because it basically showed a consistent sophisticated grade level that lasted throughout the project. I believe that these grades come from my strength as a writer once again because the majority of this class was about writing reflections and connections between art, racism, and cultural injustices faced by Canadian First Peoples.

⬇️Example of the work I was proud to present⬇️


Maker was different this year. For a while I just thought that all of Maker was Destination Imagination and the rest of the projects after it were filler classes. Since we completely didn’t do it this year I was a little lost on what we were going to do. As a result we did projects on youtube shorts based in DisneyWorld and Podcasts about whatever wanted to talk about.

Maker came with its ups and downs and therefore some wins and losses.

My biggest FAILs and Successes this semester:

  • Created And Completed Quality Work And Assignments
  • Learned New Technological Skills
  • Presenting In New And Different Ways
  • Class Was Slow Moving (especially with subs)
  • I Thought That There Could Have Been More Projects Squeezed Into The Semester
  • Off Task AtTimes

Like I said, Maker taught us new styles of presenting work. I especially believe that the best work I managed to produce in this class was my podcast series. I thought that I worked really well on this project because I was genuinely interested about learning about the different styles of skiing at the same time. Researching, scripting, designing, and recording took a lot of effort and I believe that I put all of my effort into releasing these weekly episodes.

⬇️Example of the work I was proud to present⬇️


PGP was a brand new class that showed us what and how we needed to begin to plan our near future so that we wouldn’t run into any major problems or roadblocks, especially financially wise. We looked at university course opportunities, what career was best for each one of us, resumes and job applications, Stock markets, and more.

My biggest FAILs and Successes this semester:

  • Found What Career/s I Want To Pursue
  • Improved My Self Marketing Skills
  • Learned About Different Styles Of Income, The Gig Economy, And Future Education
  • A Little Slow To Hand In Some Assignments

I thought that this class was really great for me because it helped solve many of the roadblocks I was facing. I wasn’t very sure what I wanted to pursue after High-school and needed some guidance as to where I should be headed. I vividly remember stating that I needed help or guidance in order to decide what education I should seek and I feel really fulfilled after taking this class because we did exactly that and more. In order to begin to create budgets and savings, I need to start putting money aside and taking the time to learn and execute multiple side hustles to bring in the extra cash that I need for my personal use and education.

⬇️Example of the work I was proud to present⬇️


Although these classes seem a little out of pocket or context, I had a completely new experience within these classes. Math and science were my very first “regular” classes and brought a huge change that I wasn’t accustomed to. It was very fast paced environment and brought what felt like a million topics. I thought that this new experience was really good for me because it showed me what school is actually like. Of course PLP brings experiences that the rest of Seycove can’t access, but we’re also hidden behind screens without the worry of scrambling for lost papers and pencils.

My biggest FAILs and Successes this semester:

  • Experienced A “New” Style Of School
  • Improved My Math and Science Knowledge greatly
  • Prepared Myself For Future Classes
  • Rushed Environment Stressed Me Out
  • Study Methods Could Have Used Work

Math and science both brought their own challenges and I believe that I faced them all pretty well. The grades I received at the end of the semester were pretty good compared to everything I endured considering my controversial Scimatics classes of the past. I came into these classes with little experience and confidence and left with new all time knowledge and confidence in these topics.

The way I could improve or fix my “FAIL”s  is to learn and practice organizational and studying methods to get the highest grades I can achieve. By finding these new skills and techniques I can heighten my chances at receiving scores I need for post secondary education.

⬇️Example of the work I was proud to present⬇️

My Demonstration of Revision, Responsibility, Teamwork, and Production of High Quality Work

Be able to discuss your demonstrations of revision, teamwork, responsibility, and production of high quality work as a PLP learner

This past year has come with its ups and downs. I feel that this year stood out from the rest because I managed to control myself and the work I was getting throughout the year. I think the reasoning for that is that we had a bigger balance between PLP and non-PLP classes. I found it easier to focus on multiple projects and assignments when there was a wider variety which was easier to distinguish. When semesters are just PLP class after PLP class, it makes the days slow moving and occasionally overwhelming .

I’ve been able to confidently create quality rounds of revisions and accomplish the highest quality work I could create based on the feedback and support I received. Following that I’ve worked really well along classmates on projects, field studies, and simple assignments. I consider myself an audible person and I start tasks or assignments going so that it’s easier to manage in the future. Finally, once again I’ve noticed that my responsibility to create high quality work as a PLP learner has co tinted to grow. After returning from our trip to Orlando, I had seen the final video we submitted and all due respect to the creator but I wasn’t completely satisfied with the outcome so when I was presented with an opportunity to revise my grade I took advantage of it. I took the part of the video I was responsible for and extended it to the length, detail, and quality I wanted. After spending time creating work that was unique to me and myself only, I managed to exceed what my own expectations were and create some of the best work I’ve created.

Answering the big question:

Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?

I strongly believe that I am ready to move on to Grade 11 for two reasons. 1: I am legally required to, and 2: I am educationally and mentally ready. I think this way because at the beginning of the year I filled out a learning plan that I worked to follow throughout the year. At the time I had written goals for sophisticated grade levels at the end of the year because it felt it would be a waste to aim for goals I had already achieved before. At the time, I wasn’t expecting to end the year with results that I’m seeing now and I can confidently say that because of the evolution of my grades over the past 10 months, the effort I’m putting into my work, and the alignment to the goals I made, I am ready to move on to the next chapter of high-school.

Thanks again for taking the time to read/listen my tPol.

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