Sword making for dummies.

I got a lot of questions about how I made my sword and what kind of tools I used. So without further ado here is a recipe for a basic sword.
How to make a basic sword.



Forge of some kind





Step 1
First you need to get the metal to the shape you want. You can do this by cutting or forging the metal. This will depend on what kind of metal you use. If you are using a ingot then you will have to forge it but if you started with a piece of metal that is roughly the right shape already then you can just cut it.

Step 2
Now you want to bevel the blade. This can be done by hand by heating up the middle piece by piece and hammering the edges. However this method takes a lot of skill and time. Another option is grind of file it down with your choose of tool. For this you can use an angle grinder, file, sander or belt grinder.
Step 3
Now it’s time to polish the blade. If you used the second method in the last all that you have to do is polish the middle. But if you used the first you will have to polish the whole blade with one of the tools mentioned in step 2.
Step 4
Forging the cross guard is a step with a lot of freedom but what I recommend is making it out of a cut piece of metal with holes drilled in it.
Step 5
Making the handle has a lot of variation in different techniques and styles. This step is purely your choice on how you go about it. This is the way I did it: I chiseled two pieces of wood so they would fit on the tang then I shaped it to a handle shape.

Step 6

Once you are pleased with your sword it is time to heat treat. You do this by heating up the whole blade until it is hot enough that a magnet no longer sticks to it. Once it is hot you plunge it into oil. Motor oil or peanut oil is best.

Step 7
Heat treating is fairly simple just heat the blade at about 425 degrees F until it’s golden brown. You can even do this In the oven if you wish.
Step 8
The pommel can be made of anything but metal is best suited as it is heavier. Forge or carve it to the shape you desire.
Step 9
Assemble the sword by slipping the cross guard and handle over the tang and screw or glue on the pommel to seal it all in.

here is a video of me doing it



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