SLC script

If you are reading this something went terribly wrong, I lost the printed version. 

Hello parents, teacher welcome. This is now my fourth student led conference and this time around ms Willemse asked us to do something rather different than previous slcs. Today I am going to be focusing on two projects instead of three. One I am extremely proud of and one where I could have improved on. 

An honourable mention for work I’m proud of is my experience without Hughes and Willemse blog post. I am proud of this and I think it’s pretty funny but I didn’t want to do half my SLC on it. If you haven’t read it yet I think you should. 

First up is my blue sky project. I am extremely proud of this project and the final product that came with it. It’s great to be able to work so hard on something that I am passionate about and be able to share it with lots of people. To me this is what flight is all about. This project obviously conveys a lot of effort but to hammer the nail home. The blog post I made is all about how you would make a sword. Even this is an understatement of the amount of work that went into it just ask my parents. Because I also had to make the forge to heat it up in. The growth shown by this project is not only a growth of character and skill but it opened my eyes to a key aspect in learning. That is making do with what you have no matter what. Even though my parents were very kind in spending the time and money they did there was still limitations and obstacles to overcome. This means I wasn’t only dealing with trail and error but also discovering new ways round a problem that I was having. For example to polish the blade I was using a file for most of it which took a lot of time so I tried using a sander and it worked although I did go through about have a roll of sand paper. 

Next up I just wanted to quickly mention podcast. I will be handing a final final final draft in on Thursday on top of the one I have in now just to add in some things I feel are missing and fixing my voiceover. 

So next up is great big, *cough*cough* I mean little big story. In particular number one while I could have improved on two I think over all it is pretty solid which is mainly due to my mum giving me the chance to interview Jane which was a great opportunity and the project would not have been the same without her. But my main focus is number one. I am not particularly proud of this one because I feel I didn’t dedicate enough time on it because I spent most of my after school time doing blue sky and what time I did give to LBS I gave to number two. I think this is a perfect example of not enough effort on my part and honestly it looks like something a none PLP student would do and hand in. If I had a time machine and went back to do it again I think I would have done a better job of hunting down someone to interview and put in more visual aids like I did in two. I would have also added another minute to it. The only thing I feel is good about it is all the cinematic shots of the trail and the time lapses. 

My goals since last SLC were to get my mark up which I have done and to become a better listener in classes like math and Spanish and I feel Spanish especially I have been handing in more projects and getting better on tests. I’m not sure how this will reflect on my report card but hopefully it shows. 

Any questions?

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