Halifax Explosion


The Halifax explosion. A not very well known event yet still one of the biggest explosions up to that point (of course it was dwarfed by the atomic bombs dropped on Japan at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. 

Example of some of the damage done by the explosion.
To make this video we started where we usually start, that being research. Luckily we already knew a lot of what happened from class but we still had to find things like the name of the ships involved and the exact time. The next step was to write the script which with Kirby and I and our combined writing skill didn’t take long. Next was the actual filming portion. For this we decided to shoot on location at a beach for that Oceanside aesthetic. After filming Kirby added in some effects and it was done. One of the biggest things I learned from this is how this was such big news for the whole of Canada and how the people of Halifax reacted. I was surprised at the way they banded together to help those effected. I also didn’t know how large the actual explosion was but once I saw pictures like the one above I realized why it was such a big deal.

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