A story of ambition

This is the story of Fredrick William Bradley a man who didn’t kill a hundred Germans, a man who didn’t blow up fifty tanks but an acting corporal who was proud of his work and just had a simple goal of becoming a plane mechanic instead of just a car and bike one. He was also a driver and son to Irish parents who after he died didn’t receive the money they deserved for a while. We know he wanted to be a plane mechanic as on his body was a book titled “1000 Questions and answers for Aero Engine mechanics” sadly he never got to achieve this goal. 

The symbol of his regiment.

Here I wrote a little more about him in the style of a journal.

Soon after this on August 11th he died but I couldn’t find out how. There was a battle on the 10th that the Germans won so it is likely that he died of injuries a day later because his reconnaissance regiment was being used as infantry at this time. But it is also possible he was on a scouting trip and got picked off.

Although this battle was a failure and the Allied Air Force ended up bombing their own men there was still propaganda praising the air cover. 

This a look at the battle that he probably died from injuries at. A map of what happened.

He is buried somewhere in this circle.

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