Stanley Kubrick’s critically acclaimed movie: The Moon Landing (1969)
Here are the lyrics to a rap I wrote to learn about historical lenses that we use to analyze historical events. We learnt about all of the following lenses in class and how they effect how we see everything in history and how we study it. The writing in italics is my explanation to my lyrics and a brief insight into what I learned in class from my classmates presentation.
You still don’t get it?
Let me break it down
Historical significance
No cognitive dissonance
So listen to this
History is pure bliss
Is an event notable?
Is it even memorable?
Where the people honourable?
Did it cause changes?
New wave paces
This part is a reference to the questions that you need to ask to determine if a historical event is significant and if so how significant it is. This is the first step as it lets us know how important a certain event is to study. This can tell us how long we may want to spent on the events we have to study.
Continuity and change
Ask if things have stayed the same
Or have things really changed
Was this positive or negative?
Turning point in the human narrative
Much like historical significance you need to ask certain changes when applying this lens. This includes if changes actually happened and if so to what extent and whether the changes are positive or negative. This step is crucial to showing how everything is effected by the past and how key events can effect the future.
Evidence and interpretation
Studied by a nation
Since the birth of creation
It takes some patience
How do we know what happened, happened
Evidence of course does this need to be captioned?
We use this evidence to interpret using primary sources
Did they drive cars or did they ride horses?
Everything is a factor
This isn’t a disaster
Evidence and interpretation is crucial to understanding a historical event through primary sources and interpreting them to gain a true understanding of an event. Primary sources are the best sources as they are direct but often need interpretation.
Cause and consequences
Lets drop the pretences
Another of the historical lenses
Hence this
Unintended and intended results
Terrorists and evil cults
Formed from old revolts
History doesn’t holt
When talking about cause and consequences we have to look at what factors and caused an event and what the results were. The results can either be intended or unintended. This means that when a person or group causes an event they have an idea of what they want to happen and reasoning behind their actions. However sometimes there are unintended consequences that the individual or group can not predict.
Historical perspective
There’s thee steps to this
Look at it from the past and the present
Even use the perspective of a peasant
This refers to how an individual in the time period would see an event when they experienced it first hand. The way we perceive things now could be vastly different to how someone in the time could have felt. So it’s important to compare present and past perspectives using primary sources for the best information.
Ethical judgment you better not lack
Was it okay to attack like that?
Was the judgement in the history books
If so then take another look
Is the judgment reasonable and justifiable
Some things are undeniable
Ethical judgment involves using our present day perspective to judge how ethical an event is. Whether or not the people and/or parties involved were completely ethical in their actions. However it is important to remember what we see as unethical today using historical perspective we could see that they would have thought of their actions as ethical.
Get it now?
No. Not really?
Just read my blog post
I’ve decided to apply my historical lenses to a pivotal point in 20th century history. The moon landing in 1969.
The first historical lenses to look through is the events historical significance and the related question. First of which being whether the event is notable or not and what parts are significant. For the moon landing we can say that the historical significance is from the fact that this was the first time humans landed on the moon. There were consequences but that comes in another historical lens. It was was a symbolic event in two ways. It was symbolic of the United States victory in the space race which had further significance in the Cold War and its end. The moon landing was also significant and symbolic of humans expansion into space.
The next lens is evidence and interpretation which means finding out what really happened through primary sources and interpreting it. For the moon landing the evidence is the video footage and several accounts from NASA employees including the three astronauts involved. On top of this several countries including Russia, Australia and the United Kingdom each independently received the transmission. Some people believe that the moon landing was fake but with these thousands of accounts including from Russia who had every reason to lie and modern day lighting analysis shows that the footage was not fake. From the evidence shown and interpretation of it we know that this event happened.
Another historical lens to look through is continuity and change. Life since 1969 has changed a lot but not all of it was a result from the moon landing however some things were a result. For example the Cold War ended and computers came into more use. Other changes include more money and research into space exploration. Most of these changes were positive rather than negative. It created a turning point in the Cold War and space exploration later leading to things like the space X program to go to mars.
Cause and consequence means looking at things that caused an event and the consequences coming from it. The first step is to look at all the contributing factors. For the moon landing these were human curiosity and more significantly the space race and the Cold War with Russia. If these factors were not there we most likely would not have landed on the moon because of how expensive it was to do. We also need to consider the intended and unintended consequences. The intended consequences were to further fund space exploration and to threaten the Russians. The unintended consequences were the increase in computer use.
The second to last lens is the historical perspective that you have to consider. This involves looking at an event from both present and past perspectives. For the moon landing we know that the American people were extremely happy with the event and the Russians were not pleased. Looking at spit today we have largely the same opinion of the moon landing in the western world all though today there is a much larger loud minority that claim the moon landing is faked. Yet we still see this as a very impressive feat.
Last is the ethical judgment lens we talked about. This is pretty easy when talking about the moon landing. It is easy to say that the moon landing was ethical and these judgments are included in the historical accounts.
Here is the rap I made highlighting each of the 6 historical lenses although I do not mention my example of the moon landing it is still informative about the details of the historical lenses.