The French Revolution visualized

So this week we learnt about the French Revolution and the reign of Napoleon. This whole thing was a huge mess of murdor, French patriotism, genaral terror and mass confusion. During this I thought to myself would would this all look like on paper. So I formed the question: “what did the French Revolution look like to surrounding countries.” The answer I came up with was this: 


This picture I made myself by adjusting each photo in a specific way intill I liked the way it looked. The base was made in superimpose for the iPad but I added some extra effects after in repix witch is another iPad app.

When I started making it I planned it out by drawing it in a notepad to deside where everything was going to go. And this way I could choose what pictures I was going to use. As you may notice I chose prominent French icons from the time period like the guillotine and fleur de lis. In the end I feel like I came up with a very strong mix of French symbols and I’m very proud of my work.

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