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Creative writing

They day was colder than the heart of the devil on the Russian front. The British soldiers defending the Russians, brandished any weapon they could carry. From fully automatic guns to make shift clubs. The days before had been tough on the 51st legion. A squad of German brute-walkers a close cousin of the Austrian storm-walkers had ambushed their camp and forced them out. The Russians had met them to deliver supplies, medicine for the wounded and to discuss the upcoming battle.
The battle approached as the British caught glimpses of german walkers and soldiers on the horizon. All it took was a radio signal from captain Bone and the snipers would fire and the British would charge.
Meanwhile across the battle field as the British prepared to charge captain Bone surveyed the scene and spook to his head corporal:
” I wish we had a sea fab that could flank the Germans and finish them off on land”
” The only such creatures occupy dreams and myths” said the corporal
” I could invent one” Bone exclaimed.
” Not before this battle is out sir we need to think right here right now”
” I suppose you are right. Ah the snipers are in place I’ll make the signal”
Captain Bone lifted the radio and spoke the order to attack. The air erupted with gun fire and screams. Captain Bone drew his pistol, but the corporal pushed him to his chair and handcuffed him to it by his ankle. The corporeal said nothing and left to join the Germans. He had just betrayed the captain.
Captain Bone was bored, in-till he saw a blank sheet of parchment and a pencil. He grabbed them and started drawing.
Meanwhile a German sniper looks down his sights and sees a lone corporal stumbling through the snow with no weapon and wearing a British uniform. The sniper smiled. The shot rang through the air as the bullet flew through the harsh wind and rocketed into the corporals skull. As the battle wore on captain Bone had almost perfected the creature he had just drawn. A whale with the big back legs of a frog enlarged to fit of course. It had also been fitted with a lions front legs that hung down barley descending past the frogs knees like a T-rex he thought. As a finishing touch he added the tough under belly of the frog to the top as a gunning platform. This was the first picture of a whale-rex.
As the British charged the German brute-walker crews were frantic to try and man the cannons but unfortunately for them the snipers had taken out a lot of the pilots. Must of the brute-walkers were unable to move without a pilot and the British and Russians were to close to fire at and were shooting up inside the walkers open hatches and windows. The British had already won the battle. The captured Germans had their throats slit for committing horrible war crimes.
Little did captain Bone know that the whale-rex would become one of the most popular fabs ever created.


hello here is the link to my movie called the whale-rex!

Everything I know about iMovie now I learned from the last two weeks of learning. for example I learnt how to edit volume and speed on individual clips. The use of science was not as prominent as I would have liked to be but there was nods to science throughout the movie. My frankinstuffie was influenced by the huge scale of the Industrial Revolution and the art style of steampunk (very bulky but stilling managing to flow nicely). I think if I did the project again I would definitely include more science and use the green screen instead of the hanger.