Week 10 blogging challenge

Hi guys now I should just let you know that this is the final blogging challenge of this year but I just want to say I’m not going to stop blogging there will still be posts coming out on this blog now that we have that said lets get into the post. So for this blogging challenge we had to reflect on past blogging challenges which I really enjoyed because it was fun looking at all of my old blog posts and to see how I improved over the span of the blogging challenge. In total I have done fourteen blog posts to and nine of them were for the blogging challenge so I think we should start there.

The first blogging challenge blog post I made was called my avatar it was where I talked about the avatar I made for my blog it wasn’t the worst but I would have liked it to be longer it was only about 2 sentences. Some things I would improve if I were to do this post again is I would make it longer I would have at least a paragraph explaining exactly how I made it and a more in depth reason why I made it what I did my avatar.

For the second blogging challenge I wrote about my experience with quality commenting. This blog post suffered some of the same issues that the first one had for example it’s to short, not enough information, and I forgot to capitalize some words. If I were to do this blogging challenge again I would make the names of the people who’s blogs I commented into links to there blog I would also try to be more descriptive on why I thought my comments were quality comments.

For the third blogging challenge I made an emoji guessing game if I’m being honest it was quite bad the video I made was a terrible quality and I had no information on how I made it in my blog post. One thing that really annoys me about his blog post is that I didn’t have a sentence because I never used a period. If I were to do this again I would make the video a better quality and ad a couple move movies. Another thing I would do is ad more sentences and work on the grammar.

For the forth blogging challenge I made a what type are you quiz just like all of my blog posts before it was way to short it just said “so today I made a what are you quiz if you would like to answer just comment down below” and then had a slide show with some questions. Some problems with this post is that it is way to short and before I fixed them it had some spelling/grammar mistakes. If were to do this again I would probably make it longer.

For the fifth blogging challenge I couldn’t find this blogging challenge so I will do and you can expect that by next Tuesday

For the sixth blogging challenge I wrote a bog post about the most luminous galaxy that we know of. Now around this time all of my blog posts started to get longer and more in detain which I’m very happy about because that meant that I was improving. Some things that I think I could improve would be grammar, capitalization, and for some reason the survey I made wouldn’t work. How I could fix those is for the grammar and capitalization there is a really good app called Grammarly which helps with grammar, capitalization, and it helps to make sure your not plagiarizing secondly to fix the survey I would get it re imbedded and I would use a different device to make sure it works.

For the seventh blogging challenge we were allowed to do whatever we want so I decided to was Wright a post about drink mixes because why not. I think tha my week seven blog post was pretty good but if I was to do it again i would probably put in more drink mixes.

For my week eight blog post I reviewed a fun Christmas game. One problem with the game was that it was kinda violent and had some gore so if I ever did it again I would probably review a different game.

Now finally for my ninth blog post I did a post about coding it was very fun because I really like coding. The reason we did coding was because it was national coding week at the time of that blog post. Some things I would change if I were to do this again is I would probably try more than just one coding activity and I would show some photos as an example.

And this is my final blogging challenge I hope you liked it god bye and good day.

My worldview

Hi for this blog post I will be talking about how I made my worldview explain everything. (it’s basically about what my worldview is and how I got it) so in the start before we made are explain everything’s we had to do a worldview questionnaire where we answered questions about are views on different subjects. After we did that we had to make a mind map where we brainstormed different things like travelling, watching tv, using technology, etc and we had to come up with ways that they changed are worldview’s then we had to revise the things from the mind map into a script for are explain everything after we did that we had to make are explain everything’s. 

For my draft one I just made the start of my explain everything it was pretty bad but it was only my first draft. What my first draft really was was just the first like 50 seconds I would have done more but I screwed up and lost three hours of work. For the second draft I just continued to complete my explain everything with no changes to my script or my video for my draft. For draft three I finally finished off my explain everything if I’m being honest it wasn’t the best I kinda just wrote my script down like a slideshow and added some drawings. After the third draft we got an audio file that had some feedback on it my kinda said that it wasn’t the best and that for some reason there was super squeaky sound. 

Because of the feedback I got on my third draft I decided to just completely restart from scratch for my final draft so I went back over made a new script and got started on my final draft. Just a quick side note this was not supposed to be my final draft but I got a draft behind so it ended up being my final draft. Now back to the story so for this final draft I decided that I should have me talking instead of writing down my script just so it looked less like a slide show and more like a actual video. For this draft I decided to use a couple different techniques that I hadn’t used on my previous drafts which was moving the objects around while recording which just makes it flow a little better. For my last draft I had decided to make the video and then add in sound later because then I wouldn’t have to worry about screwing up the audio because I was doing it while making the rest of my explain everything. Once I had finally finished my explain everything I watched it over a couple times to make sure it was good and then submitted it to Showbie (thats the app we use to hand stuff in) and posted it on YouTube. (the reason I posted it on YouTube was so I could put it on my blog to show you guys) 

Overall I think this project was really fun and taught me lots about worldview and other peoples worldview’s can be different from my own if I were able to do this project again I would probably make sure that I got everything handed in on time instead of being behind and handing it in late.


Week 9 blog

Week 9 blogging challenge

For this weeks blogging challenge we did coding. For the first task we had to read a story about a teen named Alex I really liked his story it was inspirational and was also very interesting. The second thing we had to do was to leave a comment so I did. He hasn’t responded yet but I hope he will.

For the second task I had to do an hour of code so I went to the website hour of code to try to find a cool task a ton of the tasks were all block coding but I wanted to try something else like java script or HTML. In the end I found a super cool one where I got to code asteroids the game. This required that I used the arrow keys on my keyboard which was fine because I had them but one of my friends named Anders didn’t have a keyboard so we ended up working on this together. It was really fun so what we had to do was fix problems with the code in order to make the ship fly around and dodge the asteroids. It wasn’t to hard except for the fact that I always forgot to capitalize which is super important because if you don’t well then it doesn’t work. Some of the things we had to fix were turning, what direction you moved, and how fast you moved the hardest out of those three was definitely what direction you moved because it took the most code to fix. This hole experience took around an hour ten minutes.

The final task was to use HTML on your blog so you all are looking at exactly what I did right now but in case you are still curious I will make another blog post where I just show the code I used for this blog and astroids I hope you like what I did.

Over all I think this was an amazing experience my favourite part had to be working on asteroids with my friend Categories: UncategorizedLeave a comment

Code for week 9

This is the code for astroids

Planetoids code

x = 375;
y = 250;

vx = 0;
vy = 0;

deltaVx = 0;
deltaVy = 0;

theta = 0;

Fthrust = 30.0;
mass = 4.5;
dt = 0.1;

function draw(){
// Update velocities
vx += deltaVx;
vy += deltaVy
// Update location
x += vx*dt;
y += vy*dt;
// velocity is unchanged if there are no forces
deltaVx = 0;
deltaVy = 0;
// Turn or thrust the ship depending on what key is pressed
if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) {
theta += 0.1;
if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) {
theta += -0.1;
x = 375;
y = 250;

vx = 0;
vy = 0;

deltaVx = 0;
deltaVy = 0;

theta = 0;

Fthrust = 30.0;
mass = 4.5;
dt = 0.1;

function draw(){
// Update velocities
vx += deltaVx;
vy += deltaVy
// Update location
x += vx*dt;
y += vy*dt;
// velocity is unchanged if there are no forces
deltaVx = 0;
deltaVy = 0;
// Turn or thrust the ship depending on what key is pressed
if (keyIsDown(LEFT_ARROW)) {
theta += 0.1;
if (keyIsDown(RIGHT_ARROW)) {
theta += -0.1;
if (keyIsDown(UP_ARROW)) {
// Rockets on!
accelx = Fthrust*cos(theta)/mass;
deltaVx = accelx*dt;
accely = Fthrust*sin(theta)/mass;
deltaVy = accely*dt;
if (keyIsDown(DOWN_ARROW)) {
accelx = -Fthrust*cos(theta)/mass;
deltaVx = accelx*dt;
accely = -Fthrust*sin(theta)/mass;
deltaVy = accely*dt;
if (keyIsPressed && key == ‘ ‘){ //spacebar
// Do nothing!

// Draw ship and other stuff
// This will clear the screen and re-draw it

Blog code

strong>Week 9 blogging challenge</strong>

For this weeks blogging challenge we did coding. For the first task we had to read a story about a teen named Alex I really liked his story it was inspirational and was also very interesting. The second thing we had to do was to leave a comment so I did. He hasn’t responded yet but I hope he will.

For the second task I had to do an hour of code so I went to the website <a href=“https://hourofcode.com/ca”> hour of code </a> to try to find a cool task a ton of the tasks were all block coding but I wanted to try something else like java script or HTML. In the end I found a super cool one where I got to code asteroids the game. This required that I used the arrow keys on my keyboard which was fine because I had them but one of my friends named <a href=”“http://www.blog44.ca/andersb/”Anders”> Anders </a>didn’t have a keyboard so we ended up working on this together. It was really fun so what we had to do was fix problems with the code in order to make the ship fly around and dodge the asteroids. It wasn’t to hard except for the fact that I always forgot to capitalize which is super important because if you don’t well then it doesn’t work. Some of the things we had to fix were turning, what direction you moved, and how fast you moved the hardest out of those three was definitely what direction you moved because it took the most code to fix. This hole experience took around an hour ten minutes.

The final task was to use HTML on your blog so you all are looking at exactly what I did right now but in case you are still curious I will make another <a href=”http://www.blog44.ca/matthewt/2018/12/07/408/”>blog post where I just show the code I used for this blog and astroids </a> I hope you like what I did.

Over all I think this was an amazing experience my favourite part had to be working on asteroids with my friend <a href=”Blog44.ca/andersb”> Anders </a> because astroids is a awesome game and it was fun to mess around with a friend while coding. One thing that I would change if I were to do this again is to maybe try something a little bit harder that astroids like maybe trying some python or c++. That was my week 9 blogging challenge hope you liked it.

Blogging challenge week 8

For week eight of the student blogging challenge I decided to review a Christmas themed game. The game was called long live Santa it is a third person pvp (player vs player) battle to the death. When I was first looking for a game to review this one caught my eye because I have always loved pvp and battle royal games so I was going to put it on the maybe list but then I realized that it was Santa’s fighting to the death and I said I have to play that game. The final reason why I was interested in it was the fact that the play style looked very cool and fast paced. 

When I first launched the game the first thing I noticed that there was no menu for setting so if you wanted to Change the controls of your character you couldn’t which kinda sucks but overall it doesn’t change the gaming experience that much. After trying to find a place to edit my settings I decided it was time to play the game so I went to try to find a game I found one with 5 out of 20 players (it was one out of only two servers in the game) when I got into the game I started to get the vibe it was very fast paced at times there was no strategy to it it was just really crazy. I played around 10 rounds each were 3-4 minutes but some times a match could end in like 10 minutes. Out of the 10 rounds I played I only won 2 of them. Some cons of this game are that it gets boring,there are only three weapons and punching does way too much damage it was to the point where I had a better chance killing someone with my fists than with a sword. Some of the pros are that it’s really fun when you first get it, it’s graphics make it look good and funny, and finally it’s plot is so funny like really funny

Overall I think since this game is free I would definitely recommend it it has some violence but not that much and it’s very like pg violence. So finally i would say is you have a pc that runs windows and you like stupid fun game you should go pick this one up I would rate it a 7 out of 10.