For this blog post I will be talking about the project we have been working on for the past month which is a tableau version of the tempest with a twist. The twist was that we had to use the tempest and the history of New France to stage a dramatic tableau to help an audience understand the lasting effects of colonization. If that sounds a little weird that’s because I basically just took the driving question and pasted it down to explain the twist.
How we were introduced to this project was pretty fun but it was also a surprise. So what happened was our teacher ms.Willemse told us that we were going to be working outside which was a surprise because we hadn’t done it before but it kinda made sense because well it was a nice sunny day. When we got out and down to the designated outside work area we were told to read a short Shakespeare play and make still image with our bodies to represent it. After we did that we did a few other things and she told us that this was our new project we had to make a Shakespeare tableau after that the day ended the next class we start the first part of the project.
Now I have to be honest I’m a little iffy on the first two things we did so I’m just going to say what it says we did. The first thing we did was using ethical judgement we had to create an explain everything about the early colonization of Canada. The second thing we did was we had to think critically about Shakespeare’s the tempest during pre and active reading activities.
Now for the things I do remember the first of the things I do remember is starting to pick what scene and how we would represent them. For the first part of this we had to get in groups I was in a group of two with one of my friends Brenton. We were given act 3 scene 2 and had to summarize it in a short video this is that video.
The next day we were given a new person in our group meg who kinda saved us later on but we will get back to that. The main thing we did that day was wright the first draft of the script which was fun after that we fixed it and had to work on our backdrop which we had to re-record after the video was to shaky after we had it recorded I added in a few special effects.
Now that we had everything done we had to do costumes and rehearsal but that’s kinda boring so I’m just going to skip to the night of the show. We practiced a bit then it was about 5 minutes before the show and people started arriving and I was super nervous but that went away after I did my first act.
Overall I learned a ton and it was a fun night if I were to do it again I would probably do less