Hi for this weekly check-in since we have been studying Shakespeare and talking about what makes his plays classics I decided For this check-in I’m going to talk about what makes the Social Network a classic.
The social network is a 2010 biopic about Mark Zuckerberg and the creation of Facebook. It also focuses on the drama and lawsuits that came from that.
Ok now that I’ve given a rough explanation of what the movie is about let’s get into what makes it a classic. The first thing we have to do to figure out why the social network is a classic we need to define what a classic is. After doing some research here’s my list of things that make a movie a classic. The first is it must stick with you past your immediate viewing. Secondly, the movie must be respected and liked by most critics. Finally, it has to influence subsequent films.
For the first of the three I would say at least for me it just has so many iconic scenes and lines that I think of all of the time. This is thanks to Aaron Sorkin who wrote the screenplay being amazing at realistic dialogue. Along with Sorkins great dialogue director David Fincher brings the dialogue to screen in scenes that flow and just feel amazing to watch. Another thing that helps to make this movie memorable is the story because I feel like it’s something that at least I always think about when I hear about Mark Zuckerberg or Facebook. Finally, I feel like this scene is a great example of everything I just talked about.
For the second I would say that without a doubt The Social Network was critically acclaimed scoring a 95 on Metacritic and a 96 on Rotten Tomatoes. Along with its great scores, it also owns three Oscars for writing, editing, and score.
Finally, even though I haven’t seen many movies that were inspired by The Social Network it did lead to an increase in startups and cs majors. Because of that, I would assume that those people will always remember the reason they pursued that career.
Based on those reasons I would say that the social network is a classic and a movie that will be remembered.