This is my User Manual Reflection Post.
There were a lot of things we learned while doing these milestones, things that would be helpful later on in the year, and things that would be helpful in PLP as a whole.
The earlier milestones, such as milestone 1 ( Milestone 1: a list of need to knows. ) and milestone 2 ( Milestone 2: a Memoji customization plan ) were a bit confusing at first. I was still getting used to this whole “high school” thing.
Now on the other hand, milestone 3 ( A user manual outline ) was probably my favourite milestone to do in the user manual project. I felt like I was genuinely being creative with my writing, and it didn’t even take that long to finish.
Anyways, after milestone 3, milestones 4, 5 , and 6 were a breeze. there were a few technical difficulties in the Memoji part, but other than that, it was all fine. Overall, the user manual project was difficult at times, but was a nice start to the PLP program.