TPOL: 2022

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for my own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

This year, grade 9 has continued to challenge me, and since my mid year presentation of learning ( Mpol ) in January of this year, a lot has happened. I will cover my main three subjects of PLP, and answer the driving question for this TPOL, which is “Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?”.


Since January, Scimatics has been less challenging than my other PLP classes. I have found that in comparison with last year’s scimatics classes, I am learning more and understanding more of what is being taught. This might be because of the projects, or maybe it’s how it’s being taught to me. Either way, Scimatics this year has been enjoyable.

The given prompt question I am choosing is “What does your work reveal about you as a learner?” To put it bluntly, I think I freeload off of others strengths, and have a bad habit of contributing little to group projects.

A project I think stood out for me was the Metaphor Machines project that we finished around mid April. For this project, we had to make a Rube Goldberg machine that also showed the scientific method. While working on this contraption I was able to offer a lot of helpful suggestions, and made every effort to contribute. 

The Goal I set for myself on my learning plan is a sunshine. I also wrote in my learning plan that my best option this year was to associate myself with others who are “proficient” in whatever area I am lacking in. This seems to contradict what I said earlier, about how I do little work in group projects, but at the time it seems like the easiest solution to my problem.


Since my Mpol back in January, humanities has been going well for me. I’ve handed in pretty much all my assignments on time, and the quality of my work has stayed the same, if not improved ( at least I think so ). What I’ve also noticed recently is that in group projects I am contributing a lot, and I usually find it easier to generate ideas for humanities projects. This is pretty much the opposite of what happens in Scimatics. I think this happens because humanities projects are usually pretty open-ended, and there’s a lot more room for me to think creatively, unlike in Scimatics where there is usually only one answer, and only one way of finding the answer.

The prompt question I’m going to use for Humanities is: “What project did you struggle with this year?”.  The most difficult thing I’ve had to do in Humanities this year would have to be with the Graphic Novel project. This was probably one of my favourite PLP projects this year. I really enjoyed the medium of the project, and learning about WW1 was interesting. Like the last PLP graphic novel project I did, I poured a lot of time and energy into this project, probably too much. This is something I should probably learn to control, because if I put this  much effort into every project with cool aspects ( i.e graphic novel format ) then I will be exhausted from working so hard.

The Battle of lens and Hill 70 ( Final Comic ) 

I set my learning plan expectation to an extending. When I set this goal, I thought it was realistic, considering Humanities is probably my best PLP subject. I still think it’s realistic, but if anything I’ve found that I haven’t been given many opportunities to demonstrate an “extending” proficiency on most of my work. I still think that since January, this is a very realistic goal.  


Maker has been difficult for me this year, mainly because of two projects. We only really had four projects this year, and two of them were similar, so the two projects that maker focused on was Destination Imagination, and Believe in Good. 

Destination Imagination, and Believe in Good  were the most time-consuming, and personally I found them to be the most complicated projects. 


My DI team’s biggest weakness was our synergy. Most of our team wasn’t taking DI seriously for the majority of the project, and it was difficult to get everyone to work on the same thing at once. If DI this year was a test of teamwork, then my team failed spectacularly. 

Believe in Good

The project believe in good on the other hand required no teamwork, and was entirely based on how to improve yourself as an individual. Looking back on this project, I didn’t really understand it at first and it was only towards the end that I started to realize how these habits can help change me for the better. Since then I haven’t really continued to practice these habits, unfortunately.

In my learning plan, I stated that my goal was an “accomplished”. I think this is very reasonable. Just because I had some difficulty in Maker, I still think that I did well in most or all of the projects.

“Why do you feel you are ready to advance to the next grade level?”

The two points I have to answer this question is this:

  1. I’m not failing
  2. My performance this year has been the same, or better than last year’s.

What I’m trying to say here is that I deserve to move on not because I have exceeded expectations, more so I deserve to move on because nothing has changed for the worse. I know that I’m not exceptional in all aspects of PLP, so I think I should be realistic and say my strengths don’t define all of me, my ability to persevere does. 

Thank you for for listening to my presentation and I’ll now take any opinions or questions.

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