Spring Exhibition 2023 / PGP Careers wrap-up Double Post

Hey Y’all, Max here.

PGP Careers has been a relatively straightforward class this year, and I am glad for the consistency. I already made a post about the career-planning aspects of careers, but this post is focused on the spring exhibition, and what we did in careers to present at the exhibition.

There wasn’t a ton going on for PLP 10 during the exhibition. PLP 10 was completely focused on showing our current podcasting project in Maker, so careers for the past month was working on podcast marketing, in the form of business cards. 

These business cards weren’t very complicated or abstract; they were literally just designs my careers class made, stuck to cardboard backings. The cards are double sided, and I made two different cards. The first card was a business card I designed to market myself, and the second was solely to advertise my podcast.

The second card is far more interesting, and I had more fun making the design for it. I went through about half a dozen drafts of my business cards, but in the end I decided to use art that best shows me as a person ( and also fits onto the microscopically small card itself ). I will attach the images below.






As for how these business cards were presented at the exhibition and the exhibition itself, it wasn’t very complicated. PLP 10 had the whole fishbowl ( main PLP room ) and it was decided by someone that it should be set up like an office. The different podcast subjects were grouped ( i.e. pop culture, sports, etc. ) and set up in the fishbowl. 

Everyone wore very professional clothing ( myself included, of course ) and we pretty much stayed in our respective areas the whole exhibition. It wasn’t a bad set up, my only complaints are that I got really hoarse after saying the same things all night. I talked with a lot of interesting people and I got to share my podcast, The Culture Exchange, with them. 


Fishbowl set-up

Though the exhibition was remarkably simple for me ( at least in comparison to previous exhibitions ) the rest of careers since my first post has been pretty interesting. The first post focused on the career-research and preparation, but i the time since then it’s been heavily oriented on savings, finances, and short-term future jobs ( such as a summer job ). I said in the aforementioned first careers post that it’s good timing since I am currently looking for a job. I have applied to several more places, but have not actually worked yet. It’s a work in progress. I’m leaving for Japan in early July, but I have lined up an interview to work at the PNE in August, just before school starts.

Overall, I did really enjoy careers this year. I appreciated using school hours to be able to learn about the realities of the careers I want to pursue. I was able to also plan for the more immediate part of my professional career, as well as how to manage the finances that came from the part-time jobs I have and will work during my time in high school. The exhibition could have been more interesting, but to be honest I’m glad I didn’t have to prepare much for it or stress much, which is exactly what I did around this time last year. 

So, that’s my exhibition / end of careers post. This is probably my last post of the year. Leaving you at that, and I’ll be back in September. Peace.

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