Growth Mindset Post


Hi everyone, today I will be reflecting on the recent challenge I have been doing in class. This challenge was all about developing a growth mindset and learning how to fail. A growth mindset means that you believe that basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. The contrary of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset means that you believe intelligence is fixed—so if you’re not good at something, you might believe you’ll never be good at it.

We represented our learning and knowledge through a “Growth Mindset Journal”.


During this challenge we learned about grit, effort, and how your mindset affects your learning.

This book contains our answers to questions about things such as our grit and effort and our thoughts on intelligence.
The big thing that I learned from this challenge is that skills come from development and failure. As opposed to coming from genes or being “born with them”.
Also, I learned that failure is “the first step in learning”, it was my first time hearing that saying in learning. I mean I’ll admit it there has been times where I failed at something new, and got really discouraged from that.
Looking back at this lesson, something that influenced me was a video about a survey. This survey studied the amount of Harvard grads that ended up reaching their full potential of say a CEO, and few did. And the reason behind that was the fear of failure and them not being used to failure. Because of their consistent success, they didn’t know how to learn from their mistakes.
This finding led me to understand that school is a fraction of what the real world is like.
As for all projects we do in PLP, this challenge had a final product. With all of our knowledge of growth mindset and developing new skills, we created a “Long-Term Goal selfie”. However this goal had to be realistic and achievable by June.
Here’s my goal selfie:
I chose my goal to be about artistic skills because art and just trying new techniques has been something I have avoided. An example of achieving my goal is by instead of text I could use drawings to represent my learning.
To Summarize, this challenge has taught me many new things. It taught me the difference between a fixed mindset and growth mindset, that you should take risks, and most importantly that it’s okay to fail. It also that school is essentially an “artificial world”, since failing isn’t accepted. The biggest thing that this lesson did was prepare me for the real world.
Thanks for reading!

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