Category Archives: Individual Project

Case for a Nation Post



Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog. 

Today’s post is about the recent project I’ve been working on, “Case for a Nation”. 

This project is all about nationalism, and the relation between events from the past, to today. 

The driving question was: “How can an understanding of nationalism of the past, help us to make sense of today?” An understanding of the past can help us to discover the reasoning behind events, who were involved, and what the effects were.

To demonstrate my learning, I’ll be highlighting the milestones/stepping stones that helped me most in answering the driving question. 

Firstly, I’ll be highlighting the Current events activity. In this activity, we had to reaserching a topic, and then relate it to nationalism. My current event choice was “the Brian Flores lawsuit”. Former NFL head coach, Brian Flores sued the NFL over racism. 

This event helped me to better understand identities and perspectives around the world. Also, to further understand the reasoning behind events. 

Here’s a picture of my current events doc:

 The keystone in this activity was “How are nationalism and identity connected?”. They’re connected because ones nationalist reveals their identity.

The second event I’d like to talk about is “the confederation simulation” activity. In this activity, each group represented a different province. My group represented Canada West. Also, in this activity, each province had to present a list of needs. We then later held the “British North America” conference. In this conference, it was revealed what each province would get/lose from the signing of this act.

This activity taught me about Canadian history, and how Canada was formed. Moreover, it taught me about about the nationalist ideas at the times. For example, the validation of power, greed, and expansion.

The keystone in this activity was “How did nationalism change BNA?”. It changed “BNA” because each province had varying terms, and needs.

The last events I’d like to mention is my “Image Curation”.

The final product in this project was an instagram post that had 3 images, and a supporting caption that explained our topic. My topic was “Lord Selkirk and the battle of seven oaks”. My partners were Theryn and Cale. 

Here’s the images that I created:

As you can see, the first image is a drawn on image, the second is a quote, and the third is an image of our choice. We first crafted our drafts, got feedback, and then applied it. The feedback that I got was to improve my quote. They said that the image in the background of my quote was too plain. I then applied this critique to my next draft, and I made it a lot better. 

This milestone was apart of the the keystone “How can I write to support an opinion?”.

You can do this by using media/tech to describe that opinion and explain them well.

Now for the Final product, the Instagram Post.

To look at my post go to the instagram account: “historicalperspectives2022”.


In summation, I enjoyed learning about nationalism and identity. I learned that nationalism can be used positively and negatively. Also, I learned lots about my research topic, “lord Selkirk and the battle of seven oaks”. I liked how this project had writing, as well as artistic design. 


Hello Teachers and parents, and welcome to my Mid Year Presentation of Learning. 

Thank you for coming to my presentation of learning. I am the expert on my own learning. I am also responsible and accountable for own learning. You can expect me to give an honest evaluation of my progress. We will discuss my strengths and opportunities for growth. Thank you in advance for listening and for offering feedback that I can use to improve as a learner.

First, I’m going to talk about my growth in Humanities. 


So far this year, we’ve completed three humanities projects: People and the Environment, which was a project about writing letters to government officials/organizations, that were about an issue that was important to us. Revolutions on Trial, which was a project about researching revolutions. In this project we had “mock trials” for each revolution. I was in the Xinhai group. And most recently, Working with Words, which was about writing poetry that showed who we were right now.

Some of my strengths in Humanities are being a leader, and staying on track with the work that is assigned, I don’t think I’ve had a single late hand in all year. Moreover, I think there’s room for improvement. For example, one of my goals for next semester is to improve the structure of my blog posts. I could accomplish this by adding more media, and by being more descriptive in my posts. 

To be able to reach these goals I need self-support. I have to be confident and I have to push myself to succeed. I also have to take it upon myself to improve, I could do this by asking others or researching.

To give you a better idea of what I need to work on, I’m going to talk about the skills that I want to develop this year. Like I mentioned earlier, I want to improve on my blog posts. I could do this by being more descriptive, and by enhancing my posts with media and links.

Furthermore, I think I could improve my technology skills. I could do this by exploring more apps, and by watching tutorials. I think accomplishing this goal would really help with my learning, especially in Maker. 


Another one of my goals for next semester is to achieve an extending in humanities. I could do this by “thinking outside the box” in certain aspects. For example, in extending work that I’ve seen, there’s always a unique part of that piece of work. So I think if I put that extra bit of effort in, my grades will improve. 

Also, I think I need to work on my communication skills. During the semester, there have been times where communication was lacking in group projects. Achieving this skill would improve the work that my group puts out to the world. 

There were also times where I felt dissatisfied during the process of group projects. For example, if the workload was put onto one person, or if people were off task.  


Now I’m going to talk about my growth in Scimatics.


In Scimatics we’ve completed three projects. Game of Exponent Laws, which was a project about math, and creating a math game that included exponents. Correlation vs. Causation, which was a project about creating graphs that demonstrated multiple factors. Chemistry Stories, which was about creating a animation that demonstrated the covalent and ionic bonding processes. 

My strengths in Scimatics are communicating ideas well. For example, I do well in class presentations, and explaining my ideas when called upon in class. However, I could improve my math skills in this class. In the Game of exponent laws project, I felt as though it took me longer than most to understand concepts. Also, I felt behind in the project, cause I didn’t fully understand the concepts. I could improve my math skills by watching YouTube videos, or by asking Mr. Gross. 

In science, I think I need to improve my “Processing and Analyzing”. For example, in the “Chemistry Stories” project I didn’t explain the “covalent bonding process well. To improve upon this skill I need to understand the concepts better. Again, I could do this by watching videos, and by reading the science textbook more throughly. 

Like in Humanities, I think I need to work on communication skills. For example, there was a time during the “Game of exponent laws project” where the communication between my partner and I was lacking. It was a weekend and I didn’t know that we were supposed to do anything for homework. And on Monday, my partner pulls up with these nice paper mache towers, (for our game board). It just made me feel bad cause I coulda made some as well, its a group project for a reason!!

Now I’m going to talk about my Dispositions, Habits, and Systems. 


Dispositions, Habits, and Systems:

In my mind, a good disposition is where someone wants to change for the better and someone that puts in the extra work. To add, this person believes in themselves and finds the time to work on their goals.

I need to also work on my habits. I need to find the time for meeting my academic goals. I have to find time between my soccer, choir, and other activities. Also, I have to be more productive and take advantage of my work time. Coming to tutorial time is a good idea as well. 

I could develop a homework system that abides by my schedule. Again this includes going to tutorial.

Now I’m going to talk about Maker. 


Although we haven’t done Maker yet this year, I think it’s important to mention my goals for Maker coming up. 

The project we have coming up for Maker is called “Destination Imagination”. We did this project last year, however this year it’ll be in person. 

Like in Humanities and Scimatics, communication is a big part of “DI”. The thing about DI is that there’s so many components and keystones, so communication is key. 

Also, having a growth mindset is key in this project. DI is a very demanding project so It can be lots for students. So I think having a positive attitude is key for being successful in this project.

To summarize, I have lots of goals for next semester. These include communication, Processing and Analyzing, growth mindset, and having a positive attitude in any project that I do. I can accomplish this by putting the time in after school, by getting help from teachers, and by developing specific systems. 

Chemistry Stories Post





Hello readers, and welcome back to my blog. 

Today’s post is about a project I’ve been doing in Scimatics 9, called “Chemistry Stories”.

This project was all about chemistry, and creating an animated video about covalent and ionic bonds.

The driving question in this project was; “How do the electron arrangement of atoms determine the chemical and physical properties of elements and compounds”?

My answer to that is: that the electron arrangement affects whether the atom has a full valence shell or not. The electron arrangement also affects the overall charge of an atom.

To demonstrate my learning in this project, I’ll be highlighting the milestones/stepping stones that helped me answer the driving question best.

The first piece evidence that I’m going to highlight is the “project start mind map”. In this mind map we organized our thoughts and asked questions. We then later answered these questions.

The second piece of evidence that I’ll be highlighting is the textbook and workbook pages. Reading these workbook pages taught me about key chemistry concepts. Learning about these concepts was really important because they were a key part in creating the animated video.


The third piece of evidence I’ll be highlighting is the Animation Storyboard. In this storyboard, we layed out what was going into the final animation. 

Here’s what my storyboard looked like:



This storyboard helped a lot because it was an opportunity for me to receive feedback, and to see what I needed to work on. Mr. Gross noted that in covalent bonding, I needed to elaborate more on the sharing process.


The next piece of evidence I’ll be highlighting is Milestone 5, the final animation. To create this animation we used keynote. The goal of this animation was to explain covalent bonding and ionic bonding. A covalent bond is when two non-metals share electrons. An ionic bond occurs when one non-metal, and one metal exchange electrons. *The link to my animation is attached at the top of the post.


The curricular competencies in this project were: Communicating, Processing and Analyzing, and Questioning and Predicting.

Communicating: Formulate physical or mental theoretical models to describe a phenomenon.

I think I accomplished this skill. My animation had clear voiceovers that explained the bonding processes well. Also, my video had good music and Mr. Gross thought it really enhanced the animation. At the start of this project, I had a preliminary knowledge on keynote animation. However, I learned by watching tutorials and by asking others.

Processing and Analyzing: Construct, Analyze and interpret models and/or diagrams.

I think I accomplished this skill. I explained the ionic bonding process really well, and the animation clarified that process. However, I didn’t do as well on the covalent bonding. I didn’t clarify the sharing in covalent bonding. But, my animation was smooth and showed how the electrons were transferred from each atom. 

Questioning and Predicting: Demonstrate a sustained intellectual curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest.  

I accomplished this skill. I used my class time well, and I was always on track during the project. At the start of the project I wasn’t all that interested in learning about chemistry. But now that I know the concepts it doesn’t seem that bad.

To summarize, I’m really proud of how I did in this project. At the beginning of the project, I had barely any knowledge about chemistry. However, I now know a lot more. I enjoyed creating the animation, but I think I could’ve enhanced its story a bit better. I think I was too worried about the concepts, that I forgot about creating a good story.

Working with Words Post


Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog. Today’s post is about the poetry project I’m been working on recently: “Working with Words”. In this project we wrote many poems, and learned about English terms. The final product in this project was a “Poetry E book”. The driving question in this project is “How might I construct text that shows who I am right now?”

You can do that by learning about poetry terms, reading poetry, and by writing descriptive texts.                             

To demonstrate my learning, I’ll be highlighting the milestones that helped me answer the driving question. 

The first piece of evidence I’ll be highlighting is our class room activities. In class, we would be split up into groups and during the class we would go to our whiteboards and answer questions. We were asked to find the theme of a poem, and to also write poems at times.

 In one of our classes we were asked to write a poem about what worldview what sound like, look like, and behave like. Our poem was pretty general and didn’t use many examples. 

These classroom activities were valuable because som of these poems we wrote or learned about, we would have to write later. 

The competency in this activity was “Comprehend Constructively”. 

I think I accomplished this skill. From where I was at the start of the project, I think I did pretty well overall. 


The second piece of evidence that I’ll be highlighting is the “Poetry E Book”.

This milestone was all about finalizing our poems, and supporting them with “Complementary Texts”. We also recorded voiceovers to better explain the meaning behind our poems. Furthermore, we created an “About Me video” that highlighted our interests and passions. This milestone also helped me develop my English vocabulary. At the start of this project I didn’t know many poetry terms at all. And now, I have a deeper understanding of these concepts. 

This milestone included the “Create Effectively” competency. 

I think in most aspects I accomplished this skill. However, I think I extended in some aspects as well. For example, at most times in this project I was ahead of the game, and my Ebook was aesthetically pleasing.

To summarize, I really enjoyed making poetry and expressing myself through writing. I learned lots about different key English terms, and I became a better writer. I’m most proud of my Imagery Poem, because I had a nice rhyme scheme in there, and I wrote it about a place that I love. In all, I enjoyed writing and I hope we do something like this again! 


Revolutions on Trial Post

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog! 

Today’s post will be about our recent project in Humanities 9. This project is called “Revolutions on Trial”. The end goal of this project was to prove the effectiveness/ineffectiveness, of the revolution we studied. I studied the Xinhai Revolution, and my goal was to prove that it was effective. Also, the final product was a mock trial, so that was pretty cool. This project was a group project for the most part. My partners were:,,,

The driving question to this project is: “How can we, as legal teams, determine the effectiveness of a revolution?”. We can do this by researching thoroughly, presenting witnesses, and by working together as a legal team.

The first piece of learning that I’m going to mention is “Nation X”. Nation X is a game that simulates an unfair society. The end goal of this game is to establish a fair, equal, and functional society. However, when our class played this game, we didn’t reach the end goal. Long story short, our society ended up splitting in two, and a wall was built. USA style. 

The second piece of learning that I’m going to mention is the book “Animal Farm”, by George Orwell. This book is a direct anecdote of the Russian Revolution. This book is a about animals on a farm who are sick of their owner and want freedom. They then take over the farm and banish their owner. The animals then establish two leaders, both of them detest one another. One leader ends up taking over, this leader is unveiled to be just as harsh as the owner was.

As we read this book, we wrote chapter reflections, asked questions, and highlighted key points a in the story. Looking back, this reading really developped my knowledge on revolutions and how they work. After we read this book, we did a reflection. In this reflection, we answered the question: “Explain the anatomy of the revolution in Animal Farm through use of Crane Brinton’s theory. I did pretty well in this reflection, however I could’ve connected the book to Crane Brinton more. This activity included the Connecting Competency.                      

 The next piece of evidence that I’m going to mention is my graphic organizer.

We used this graphic organizer to organize our ideas on the revolution we were researching. I was researching Xinhai, and I quickly discovered that it was a pretty complex revolution. We had to organize it by order of crane Brinton’s 4 steps of revolution. The Incubation Stage, the Crisis Stage, and we also included Ineffectiveness/effectiveness, and Continuity and Change. 

This activity included the Continuity and Change competency.

After I completed my first draft, we did a peer critique. My peer told me to add a timeline, limit text, and to add more visual elements. I took that critique and improved my organizer. 

We then collaborated as a full group to make a Group Graphic Organizer. 

Here’s an image of the group graphic organizer. 

The final piece of learning that I’m mentioning is the trial preparation and the trial itself.

My group was defence, so we were arguing that the revolution was effective. The first step was to create an affidavit. An affidavit is a written statement that contains important facts that you want the judge to know about. In this affidavit, we included our exhibits that we were going to use in the trial. Also, we included our witnesses. In our case, our witness was Sun-Yat-Sen, the leader of the Xinhai Revolution.

These were the next steps:

After that, we put it all together into a script. My role in the trial was a lawyer. I was the one that asked the Direct-Examination questions. Also, I got to say “OBJECTION”, which was the coolest thing to do. Furthermore, our trial was apart of the PLP winter exhibition. The exhibition is an opportunity for all grades of PLP learners to showcase their learning. I had an opportunity to see most of the the grade’s exhibits and I thought they were really interesting.  

To summarize, this project taught me lots about revolutions and how they work. I already had some knowledge on revolutions, so it was good to expand my knowledge. Using Animal farm, the graphic organizer, and other resources, my group and I were able to present an authentic mock trial. My favorite part of this project was presenting the mock trial. It was fun to say “OBJECTION”, and I was really proud of myself after. Next year I hope we do something similar to this for the Winter Exhibition!

Take a Kid to work day 2021

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog. Today’s post is about take a kid to work day. Because I explained how my day went in my video, this post will follow what my expectations were, vs. How the day actually went.

I learned many things during this day. For example, I learned about sales, what my parents really do in a day, and to remember which floor the open house is actually on. (Yes I walked into some random dudes house with coffee and muffins). 

My expectations going into this day were sceptical. I knew how much my parents worked and I didn’t want to follow that same job career. However, I learned throughout the day that real estate is a good job in many ways. For example, you can choose your hours, you can also choose your clients. Also, in real estate you make money in bigger quantities less prequently. You could also argue that having your own hours isn’t so good because you don’t have defined breaks and times to eat. 

To summarize, I learned lots on this day. I learned that sales requires social skills, and honesty. I learned lots about real estate, how it works, and whether its right for me. I could see myself becoming a realtor because I’m good with people and I’m honest about things. 

People and the Environment Post

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog!

Today’s post will be about a project that I’ve just finished in Humanities. 

This project is called “People and the Environment”, and the goal of this project was to write a letter about an environmental issue that is important to us. I chose to write about illegal dumping in the ocean, and how it is affecting marine life. I chose this topic because I live Waterfront, and I really care about sea creatures. I addressed this problem to BC minister of environment, George Heyman.

The driving question in this project was: “How do people and the environment affect each other?” They affect each other because they both share the same home, planet earth. For example, humans can negatively and positively affect the environment based on their choices. The environment can affect human’s behaviour, and their daily mood, and they can also pose as a threat against humans with diseases.



To demonstrate my learning, I will highlight the milestones/stepping stones that helped me answer the driving question. 

The first activity I will be highlighting is “Guest Speaker: Megan Curren and Dennis Thomas.”

Megan Curren, an environmentalist and Dennis Thomas, a local buiseness owner, came to our school and answered questions we had about the environment, their buiseness, and their careers. I was one of the students chosen to ask them questions, the question I asked was: “Was it difficult to enforce the plastic straw ban? What steps did you take?” Her answer was: It was extremely difficult to convey the buiseness to use paper straws only. Her goal is to expand this regulation to a provincial and federal level.

This activity jump started my learning because it gave me information on the relationship between people and the environment. 

The next activity I’ll be highlighting is one of the Commonlit’s we completed during this project, “Lee Sherman and the Toxic Louisiana bayou”. This piece followed the story of a man who worked for a company called PPG for many years. During his career, PPG would order him to illegally dump waste in the local bayou. The company’s actions gravely affected the local community. 

This assignment helped me because this piece follows the same issue that my letter does. Furthermore, this piece helped me further understand the relationship between people and the environment. It told me that people are careless, and have zero respect for the environment.

This success criteria included in this assignment is “I can analyze how texts use literary devices to enhance both meaning and impact”. I demonstrated this criteria by doing well in my Commonlit assignments. However, something I could’ve done better was explaining my ideas.

The final milestone I’ll be highlighting is the letter. Writing this letter was no easy task and it took several drafts to complete. 

The critique that I received from my teachers was that my letter was too vague and needed more explanation. They noted that I needed to further explain what products were being dumped, as well as who is dumping these products. I applied this feedback tot my next draft. I added more examples of who is dumping products, and I made my solution more specific. 

The success criteria included in the letter was: “I can use writing and design processes to plan, develop, and create original, engaging, and meaningful texts for a variety of purposes and audiences.” Also, “I can reflect, assess, and refine texts to improve clarity, effectiveness, and impact for purpose, audience, and message.”

I demonstrated this criteria by researching, picking my audience, getting feedback from others, and revising my drafts. Looking back, I feel that I should’ve done more research for my letter, and I should’ve taken feedback better.

In conclusion, I enjoyed writing a letter because writing is one of my passions. Also, I found it interesting to study the environment because I feel very close with the environment. This project was definitely a challenge, but that made the final product more enjoyable.  In all, I hope we can do another project regarding the environment in the near future.

Thanks for reading today’s blog!

Comic Cells Final Post

Comic Book

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog!

Today’s blog will be about a recent project I have completed in PLP Scimatics 8. 

This project is called “Comic Cells”, and the goal of this project was to create a comic where you demonstrate the interaction of cells with diseases. To create this comic, we used the app “Comic Life 3”.

The driving question in this project is: “How do cells and diseases interact?”. My answer to that is that they interact by trying to overpower one another and eliminating one another.

To demonstrate my learning, I will be highlighting the milestones/stepping stones that helped me answer the driving question best.



The first thing I will talk about is the Launch Entry Event, where we watched the movie “Osmosis Jones”. Osmosis Jones is about a white blood cell who’s mission is to stop an invading virus. I found this movie to be pretty funny since Bill Murray was the lead actor.

Watching this movie also helped in giving me a preliminary understanding of what cells are and what they do. It also gave me some ideas for what to include in my comic book.


The next thing I will talk about is milestone 2. Milestone 2 was our Disease Wanted poster. The overall goal of this milestone was to chose the virus we were going to include in our comic book, as well as include facts about our chosen virus. This helped with answering the driving question because it gave me an opportunity to get a better understanding of not just how my chosen disease works, but how other diseases work as well.

The disease I chose for my comic book was Marburg Virus. Marburg Virus is similar to the Ebola virus, and it originates from humans and bats.

Here’s my Poster:




The next Milestone I will highlight is milestone 4. Milestone 4 was our Comic book “Storyboard”. In this milestone we were just laying out the building blocks for our final comic. 

This helped me in my learning by giving me a chance to show what I know about cells and see what needed work. 

Here’s my Milestone 4 Storyboard.



To further demonstrate my learning, I will go over the Cirricular competencies and show what I did well, and what I could improve next time. 

The competencies in this project were Questioning and Predicting, Scientific Communication, and Evaluating. 

Questioning and Predicting: Demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest. 

I think I accomplished this competency well and used my class time to my advantage. I feel like during the last couple of days we had to finish our comic I was really locked in and focused . I learned that its always better to finish things as early as possible then at the last second.

Scientific Communication: Communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies. 

I think that I gained a complete understanding of cells from this project. I did that by completing milestones and reading about my disease and how it interacts with cells. I learned to show that growth by making a Comic book about cells and diseases.

Evaluating: Demonstrate an understanding and appreciation of evidence.

Overall, I think my comic had logical outcomes incorporated into it. At first, when I was making the outline, the outcomes were a bit shaky. But, I improved in that aspect in my final comic book. 


In conclusion, I really enjoyed making my own comic book!

I also found learning about cells and diseases to be quite interesting. The hardest part of this project for me was coming up with my own original comic book. 

In all, I enjoyed the comic aspect of this project and I hope I get to make another sometime in the future!


Chemistry Coding Post

Hi everyone, and welcome back to my blog.

Today I’ll be writing about the project I have been doing in Scimatics 8.

This project was based around the “Kinetic Molecular Theory” and coding.

The kinetic molecular theory describes how atoms react differently to various states of matter. And how when changes of state occur, a change in particle motion happens as well.

Everything in PLP is guided by the “driving question”.

 The driving question to this project was “How can the behaviour of matter be explained by the kinetic molecular theory and the atomic theory?”

My answer to that is that it can be explained through different game inspirations and through various simulators.

The first step to this project was creating a “project start mind map”. This mind map included our “need to knows”, things that we already knew, and examples. At the time the only thing that I knew about atoms was that they are small. I was quite familiar with these mind maps since I had done a few of them in past projects. This mind map was Milestone 1 in the project.

Also, at the end of the project we answered any of our previous need to knows.


 Since the final product was a coded game, the next step was to start building up to that. One of the key pieces in the evaluation criteria was including historical models from different scientists. Before we could choose our models, we first had to build knowledge on these scientists theories and discoveries.

To do that we did some workbook practice. Later on in the project we also did a test on the theories and models. 

For my game, I chose to include models from Niels Bohr and Ernest Rutherford.



All projects in PLP are guided by the Curricular Competencies. To demonstrate my learning further, I’m going to list what I think I did well and what could be improved.

Questioning and Predicting: Demonstrate a sustained curiosity about a scientific topic or problem of personal interest.

I think that during the project there were times where I was not focused. However, near the end I was really putting in the extra effort to get things done and elaborate with all of my ideas.

Scientific Communication: Communicate ideas, findings, and solutions to problems using scientific language, representations, and digital technologies.

It took me some time to communicate ideas and put my game together, however, I think my ideas were solid and that’s what made my game cool. Personally, I really benefited from the workbook practice, as well as the test because it gave me the knowledge to create a cool game. I think that I really improved in this skill during this project. 

Reasoning and Analyzing: Use logic and patterns (including coding) to solve puzzles and play games.

At first, coding seemed impossible. Things were not working out the way I wanted and my knowledge on coding wasn’t there. The way that I improved was by exploring various resources and practicing coding and getting familiar with it. 



Now, the final product!

Unfortunately, the was a technical problem so I only have pictures to show you guys.

I will make sure to add the game link when the error is resolved!

For my game I chose to use Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen as my molecules. I soon realized that those 3 mixed together create soda pop so I chose that as my game idea! My first thought was a to create a game instead of a simulator because I wanted something that was fun for the user.


To summarize, I found learning about molecules and atoms to be really interesting. Furthermore , it was cool to code and create my own video game. The thing that I found most challenging in this project was coding at first, since I wasn’t very familiar with it. My favorite part of this project has to be finishing my final product and being proud of it!

Thanks for reading today’s blog!

Growth Mindset Post


Hi everyone, today I will be reflecting on the recent challenge I have been doing in class. This challenge was all about developing a growth mindset and learning how to fail. A growth mindset means that you believe that basic abilities can be developed through dedication and hard work. The contrary of a growth mindset is a fixed mindset. A fixed mindset means that you believe intelligence is fixed—so if you’re not good at something, you might believe you’ll never be good at it.

We represented our learning and knowledge through a “Growth Mindset Journal”.


During this challenge we learned about grit, effort, and how your mindset affects your learning.

This book contains our answers to questions about things such as our grit and effort and our thoughts on intelligence.
The big thing that I learned from this challenge is that skills come from development and failure. As opposed to coming from genes or being “born with them”.
Also, I learned that failure is “the first step in learning”, it was my first time hearing that saying in learning. I mean I’ll admit it there has been times where I failed at something new, and got really discouraged from that.
Looking back at this lesson, something that influenced me was a video about a survey. This survey studied the amount of Harvard grads that ended up reaching their full potential of say a CEO, and few did. And the reason behind that was the fear of failure and them not being used to failure. Because of their consistent success, they didn’t know how to learn from their mistakes.
This finding led me to understand that school is a fraction of what the real world is like.
As for all projects we do in PLP, this challenge had a final product. With all of our knowledge of growth mindset and developing new skills, we created a “Long-Term Goal selfie”. However this goal had to be realistic and achievable by June.
Here’s my goal selfie:
I chose my goal to be about artistic skills because art and just trying new techniques has been something I have avoided. An example of achieving my goal is by instead of text I could use drawings to represent my learning.
To Summarize, this challenge has taught me many new things. It taught me the difference between a fixed mindset and growth mindset, that you should take risks, and most importantly that it’s okay to fail. It also that school is essentially an “artificial world”, since failing isn’t accepted. The biggest thing that this lesson did was prepare me for the real world.
Thanks for reading!