PLP Mini Exhibition

Creation process

For humanities we had to come up with a question based on the environment and try to find an answer to it. Obviously it couldn’t be a yes or no answer. We wrote down our top three choices for what we wanted to research and submitted them to our teacher so she could approve one of our questions. My three questions (in order) were: 1) How can we differ housing to adapt to the rising sea levels? 2) How does changing currents affect prey? 3) in what ways can a lack of knowledge about sea life cause some sea animals to go extinct? The teacher (Ms Willemse) chose my #1 question and helped me reword it to this: How can I adapt my coastal housing so it won’t be washed away from the rising sea levels?

So I was very glad that I got my #1 question. I started by researching what is causing rising sea levels and how fast they are rising. After I discovered that sea levels are rising an average of 3.3 mm a year I had to think of why that would be a bad thing. I came up with a few reasons, if it takes that long to rise people won’t bother with rebuilding their house because they will think “oh I have lots of time. I don’t need to do this now”. In other words, they’ll keep putting it off then it might be too late to “renovate” their house. Another reason is: the water will saturate the ground near/underneath your house so after a while your house (most likely the basement if you have one) will rot. As soon as my question was approved I knew that I wanted to build a model of the house. My initial plan was to build a house on stilts,
but then I was thinking about different ways to create a house that wouldn’t get washed away with the rising sea levels and I thought about possibly creating a floating house because a house on pillars might be too expensive.

I kept working on my “diagram” for the house on pillars though because 33% of people get seasick in “normal conditions” meaning small waves, and 66% of people get seasick in “bad conditions” meaning large waves, things you wouldn’t necessarily want to be on a boat in. So I decided to go with the pillar idea, until my friend pointed out that a house on pillars may not be very legal because of earthquakes. So the project was due in 5 days and I was basically back to the drawing board for the diagram. Luckily my research still applied to the new model that I was going to build. I did some more research about earthquake proof buildings in Vancouver to see if I could just add something to my current building and then this picture came up.

So it turns out that there is a building in Vancouver BC called The Qube that people are saying is earthquake proof, because in an earthquake the cables suspending the building would allow it to rock back and forth. As I was looking at that picture I realized that it was slightly raised off the ground, and since I was trying to create a house that wouldn’t get washed away with the rising sea levels I thought that I should base my building/house off it. Obviously I couldn’t make a direct model of the building, so I had to modify. First off, The Qube is not a house, it is a headquarters for Westcoast Transmission Co, and when I wrote my inquiry question I meant a home. So I came up with this . I had a lot of fun making the house and garden.






Group work

During the the mini exhibition I was the group leader. This was my first time ever being a group leader and I will admit, it was more stressful than I thought it would be. Since I was group leader I had to organize everything. I was in charge of making sure that everything we needed was going to be there, I had to tell people what to bring and where to set everything up. It would’ve been a lot less stressful if we had another week or so to make our projects but things got complicated with the Oregon trip being postponed. I think it would have also been a lot better if we distributed the work load better. I felt like there was a lot of work that I had to do for the exhibition, like: making a chart of where everyone would set up their projects/tables

Organizing who would bring what for our toss game (fake food, containers, pop cans etc)
Trying to sort out what group would get the projector
Figuring out how we wanted our corner of the room to be set up (ie decorations, what we would do with the whiteboard etc)
And on top of that I had to make my project for the mini exhibition.

Here are all my group members’ blogs/learning portfolios: Syrah , Luca O, Daniel , Lauren, and Tamara.

All though it may not sound like it, I enjoyed the exhibition a lot.

1 Comment on PLP Mini Exhibition

  1. melaniem
    January 21, 2017 at 3:01 am (8 years ago)

    If you haven’t already, check out my growth mindset post. I mention this post and add some things on


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