Take your kid to work day

Wednesday November 1st was take your kid to work day. I went to my mom’s work for the day, she’s works as a landscaper for Blooms ‘n Botanicals. For take your kid to work day, the grade 9s at seycove had to interview 3 people, and write down their responses, but since we’re in PLP, we didn’t do that. Instead, (because our theme this year is story finding and telling through video) we filmed our interview, and we were assigned a blog post along with it.

My day:
Wake up at 8:00
Work from 9:00-12:30
Lunch from 12:30-1:30
Work from 1:30-3:00

Blooms ‘n Botanicals

Blooms ‘n Botanicals specializes in landscaping design and maintenance. “At Blooms n’ Botanicals we strive to create a colourful year-round garden or patio with shrubs, trees and plants that are best suited to your lifestyle and the environment where you live.” – The blooms & botanicals website.

My mom’s work

As I’ve already mentioned, my mom works for blooms ‘n botanicals. While I was at her work I got to help out. I didn’t do too many things, because in real life there isn’t an undo button. Plus I’m not actually trained in that job/job field. I just did small things, like raking leaves. I enjoyed raking up the leaves, probably more than most people would. I also pruned lots of plants. Pruning is getting rid of the dead parts of plants, and just trimming them down in general to prepare for winter.


Last year, during our advertising unit, one of the ads that we had to make was for a business. The business I made my ad on was blooms ‘n botanicals, so it was cool to actually experience what I was advertising firsthand.





While everyone was eating lunch (including me), I went around and asked people if I could interview them. I asked one question for each person, and here are their responses:

Interviewee 1


Interviewee 2


Interviewee 3


What career I see myself wanting to pursue

This is difficult to answer specifically, because there are many careers involving landscaping, and there are even more “mini jobs” within those careers. Let’s start with the “bigger” careers within/involving landscaping. Some of my top choices would be a landscape architect, and working as a garden Center employee might be fun. When I was in grade 7, one of the projects that I did was on a possible career. The career that I chose to research was a landscape architect. So I know that being a landscape architect would be a good job for me. I can also see myself working as a residential landscaper, because I enjoy gardening, and I have had experience with it on multiple occasions because I like to help with the garden in our front yard. I also usually help plant the vegetable garden.

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