Different camera angles


The low angle shot!

This angle gives the impression that the person (or animal) on screen is powerful.

I This photo was pretty easy to take because I’m short, but bacically I got down on my knees and pointed the camera up. Pretty simple.


The High Angle Shot

This shot is generally used to Tell the audience that the person (or animal) on screen is less powerful.

This shot isn’t the best because I am actually shorter than the Person  I was taking a picture of. Next time I should probably stand on a box or something.

The Medium Shot

This shot is basically just looking at the person (or animal) straight on

This shot was probably the easiest to take because I just pointed the camera straight forward. That’s it. Nothing else. Just straight forward.


The establishing shot

this shot is just what you would think it establishes where the movie or short film will take place.

All I did to take this shot was back up a lot and take a photo. I know sooo complicated.


The Close-up shot

(Flattering I know). The close up shot is a shot that is close up.  No… Really?

For this I just zoomed in on her face and took a photo.


The Wide Shot

This kind of shot is generally used to capture a large group of people in one shot.

for this I just backed up a bit and took a photo. To make it better next time I should take a panorama.

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