For many weeks during class we worked on poetry writing. We learned many new poem terms and wrote a different poem for each term. All of the poems were supposed to be on worldview.
At first I didn’t enjoy writing poems but later on it was fun to come home and write a poem. Usually it would take me a while, poems don’t come to me that easily but once you start it is amazing what you come up with.

During the whole time we were working on this I didn’t realize we would be making a book.
After all those poems, Ms. Willemse decided that we will make a book using all the poems we made. The app we used to make the book is called Book Creator, we made the Oregon book with that app too.
In iTunes U we got some instructions. Each poem had to be it’s own slide with pictures and a explanation. I feel like I could have made my poem book more designed maybe added a bigger explanation.

Here’s the book as a video

If you want to look at my book in regular form go to my poem book.