Melika’s Blog


June 2017

Spring Blue Sky

Spring Blue sky, that’s what time it is. For our Blue sky project we had to think of a challenge and solve it. I picked the pets group. The challenge that I wanted to solve was my Bird not being… Continue Reading →

Tpol’s this way

Hello everyone, It’s almost the end of the year. Grade 8 has really flied by. So many things have happened but now it’s time for our TPols (Transitional Presentations of Learning). I’ve already done something like this halfway through the… Continue Reading →

Why Explore?

Voyaging, explores have been doing it forever. During this unit we were trying to answer the question “Why do people explore?”We did some research on this. On iTunes U we learned about Beringia and all about the land bridge. After… Continue Reading →

Changing up communication

For a while now, in our PLP humanities class we have been working on a unit called “This Changes Everything”. This unit was mainly focusing on change and “how do advancements and change cause tension.” In this post I will… Continue Reading →

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