Voyaging, explores have been doing it forever. During this unit we were trying to answer the question “Why do people explore?”We did some research on this. On iTunes U we learned about Beringia and all about the land bridge. After a few days of learning about explores and why they travel we were given a project.

The project goal was to make a comic life about an explorer. Pretending to go on a voyage with a explorer. Then we had to come back from the voyage and tell the king and queen about our voyage. We were supposed to try to persuade them into supporting and paying for our next voyage. My group for this project was Lauren, Maggie, and Jessie. Our explorer was John Cabot. The bad thing about getting John Cabot as our explorer is that he actually disappears in his second voyage, never to be seen again. So this made us have to write about his first voyage which was actually quite a boring voyage.

Anyway for our first draft the work we did was not good, and we knew it needed a lot of improvements. We got some peer critique from our classmates and we gave them some critique and then it was time to revise and edit our comic life to as perfect as we could get it.

Here is my first draft compared to my final draft

Here is the peer critique we got


Here is everyone’s comic page


Here is the keynote we made to present to the King and Queen

Hopefully you liked reading my post on voyages.