Hello world,
I am back for another year of PLP. This year I take on the challenge of grade 9. School started September 5 and right away in the Plp classroom we got to work studying the history of Canada and film. This is the reason we went to Calgary, Alberta.

On September 9-16 we went on a road trip. This trip was on the second week of school which I was super happy about. During the trip we were assigned to make 4 short films.

The first film was with a group and the project was ghost town. I was in a group with Luca j, Robin, and Jamie. Our video was quite interesting so  go make sure you watch it.

See what did I tell you a pineapple murder movie can be very entertaining.

So the next film was something the teachers didn’t tell us about it was like a pop test but a pop film. We were at a dinosaur museum and they told us we have one hour to make a movie on a dinosaur. Here is the film I made.

Really bad huh yeah I know a bunch of things I want to improve on it but can’t cause I’ve already handed it in. For this little film I under planned but I got all the shots I needed for it to qualify and for me to hand it in. That’s why the next film I needed to plan more.


This film is an enchanted forest fairytale. My group members were Melanie, Kiefer, and Emily. Take a look at the film before I tell u more.

What your probably thinking is that this fairytale was really bad and I understand that. I can’t even watch it. The problem with this one was that we over planned. We had so much more left and in two hours the time we were given didn’t work out. At first I was so embarrassed I didn’t want to put this in the post but we learn from ours mistakes and I have definitely learned something.


The last film was totally different then the rest. We got to pick from the itinerary which place we wanted to make a not-fiction movie on. My first choice was the Banff, Hot Springs but that didn’t really work out. So, instead I did Lake Minnewanka. Take a look at the video.


After seeing all the films. I would like to say my favourite was the pineapple mystery one. I felt like we worked well on it and I laughed a lot. If we had a chance to go back and film again I would definitely want to. The lighting in that was terribly done and we didn’t have a solid establishing shot but I am most proud of it. My least favourite one is the enchanted forest one but at least next time I know what to do.


My favourite part of the trip.

We did a lot of cool things on the trip just take a look at our itinerary but I have three
favourite places.


First favourite place:

The last spike. This place is honestly so amazing and the story behind it is awesome. We went to the exact spot the last spike was driven. This was the reason Canada became one and being able to see that spot and learn that history was very cool.I took a bunch of photos you should look at.


Second favourite spot:

Beaker head was what we were told the whole trip was going to be about. Beakerhead is this fun science, engineering, and art festival. Honestly I’m not sad we only had one day doing beaker head adventures but it was definitely the best day. The serpent mother was one of the many sculptures done for beaker head but it was so amazing especially at night when the mothers egg was shooting fire. That whole night was super fun going from place to place looking at the work done. Here are some of my good shots.

Third favourite spot:

Lake Louise is my third favourite spot because I just love the view. I’ve been there many times but it’s truly beautiful.

Here are some fun/nice photos of the trip

This concludes my Calgary blogpost but this trip was truly amazing and I think we all learned so much. Soon I will be making a movie of the whole trip day to day, that will be going on my blog when finished.Thank you for reading.