Hola everyone,

On November 1 it was take your kids to work day for the grade 9 students. It was a part of our heath and career 9 classe but as you know everything always has a different twist in PLP. All the other grade 9 students had this assignment sheet but we had to document our day at the site and write a post on it.

I went to Niki Glass my dad’s work. We got there at 9am but everyone was already there working, the day had started at 7am for them. After I filmed a bunch of videos and took some photos I needed to interview the workers. I first interviewed a new employee. The second person I interviewed was my dad. The last person I interviewed was my sister.
Here is the video so you can check it out

After making the video I knew I wanted to be the photographer and video maker of the shop. When I was younger I wanted to be the glass maker I even made a mirror for my room, but now this job seems like a better job for me.There is so much more than just making glass and mirrors being a designer and a craftsman would not be my specialty. Instead my specialty is photography. I would add my strengths to the workplace because I would be a dedicated worker. It was also fun filming there so I would have fun working. I have lots of skills with advertisements because of grade 8 in PLP and I could also help them with there website because I’m getting better at that to.

Overall the day was great and I learned a lot about the things they do. I learned how they work, what they work on and that I will not be pursuing this job when I’m older. That’s it for my blog post on Niki Glass.