This winter exhibition was going to be a good one, if I was there. This exhibitions topic was Star Wars. Mostly everyone had seen Star Wars but not me, so I had a lot of catching up to do. After I watched all the movies it was time for me to get to work.

In PLP we have an inquiry star. This star has 5 steps. The 5 steps are connect & wonder, investigate, construct, publish and, debug.

Here is a picture of the star

The first step of my project was to find a good open ended inquiry question. My question became “how can we get humans to live on the galaxy like Yoda and live forever.” The second step was to investigate. After a lot of research on my question and Star Wars I knew exactly what I wanted to do. The third step was to construct. I came up with the idea to create a model of a DNA cell. I built the model with clay and then painted it. Then I made an iMovie explaining everything I knew. If you would like to learn about my topic just watch the video below. The fourth step was to publish. The fact that I wasn’t going to be at the exhibition to make people come and look at my work. I knew I needed to make a poster to draw people’s attention to watch my video.

After everyone’s projects were finished the teachers brought in the grade 8’s. Then proceed to split us into two groups, the light side and the dark side. These two groups had to plan how they wanted to decorate there areas. I was on the light side. The light side had the main PLP room while the dark side had the library to decorate. After that grouping was finished we got put into sub groups based on what our questions were about. The sub groups were science, philosophical, and tech. I was in the science group along with Jordyn, Kailey, Gabby, Jessie, Alivia, and Fraser. We all got on work on creating decorations, planning costumes, and knowing what snacks to bring. Everything was ready for the big night and I really wanted to be there for it because I would have been yoda but I had to go on the plane to Iran.

If you are interested in what I learned here is my video

Something I would definitely improve is getting my question ready earlier because if I had done that I would have had more time and could have made a bigger project but other than that everything seemed fine.

Till next time.