Hello blog readers,

We have done a lot of weird videos for our maker class but this one was by far the most interesting. I actually had a lot of fun filming this video and you’ll see why in a bit. The point of this video was to capture a live event happening. The video could be any live event that we were attending and if we didn’t have one we could create our own.

This was an individual project but you could film the same event as others. In the video we needed to include a time lapse, freeze frame, changed speed clips, still photo with Ken Burns, music that was copyright free, and an interview with a participant. I didn’t have a live event and neither did Luca, Maggie, and Isabelle. Since we all needed a live event we planned to make a live event together. 

We all got together and planned a pancake cooking competition. We got Morgan and Lucy to be the judges. Before filming the video we made an action plan on the basic things we needed to do after that when we got to Maggie’s house all we did was film everything, all the angles so that when we would edit we would have all the clips we need. After two hours of making pancakes and filming we all went home. The next day in class we sent each other the clips in class. 

The editing took forever, we had over 45 minutes of footage and and the time limit of 2 minutes was so hard to mange. After trying to make a 2 minute video, I needed to find music. I looked up some copyright free music and put that in my video. The final step was to put it on my YouTube channel.

Here is the first draft of the video.

As you know in plp we always get to revise our work. We don’t take failure as a bad thing, for us it’s our first attempt is learning so we all made revisions to our videos. I had to make a lot of revisions to my video. The video I made didn’t have a clear beginning middle and end so for my  final draft I worked a lot on that. 

Here is my final draft of the video.

This video was way different than the recreation work we have done before. For this video we had to capture the live event there was no going back and re filming unlike the other projects. I believe that this project showed us a lot more about capturing the event than any other video project and that was the purpose.