Hello blog readers,

The edublogs challenge is sadly over. At first my class and I were confused to why we were doing the challenge and it seemed dumb to us, but after a while we started enjoying it. We did all 1-10 weekly challenges and you can check mine out now below. 

Click this sentence for a link to a page with all the edublogs challenges.

These challenges were a bit confusing at the beginning and hardly a challenge but as the weeks pasted by I started enjoying the challenges more. My favourite week was definitely week 8. I put a lot of work into that blogpost because I loved the topic. I did 2 of the tasks from that week and both of them were about norooz (which is my favourite celebration). I enjoyed that post so much that you might see me from time to time write about my Persian and Turkish background. 

Overall I’m happy we did this challenge. I never thought so many people willl be checking out my blog but my blog has been getting a lot of views and lots of comments too. Thank you for checking out my blog during this challenge and if we do it again next year I will see you then:)