Hello blog readers, 

Finally our first trip of the year. We were the last to go on a trip but it was a good one and I’m here to finally tell you about it.

Seattle Trip

Imagine it’s 4:30 am and you wake up, grab your things, and head to school. Well that’s what we did on December 4th because we were heading to Seattle. I specifically remember it being 5am and all of my friends and I were cold because it was -1ºC. It was a long van ride but it felt short to me because I slept for half of it. The van was a very tight space but it made the rides something to remember. 

During the trip we definitely did a lot. I could talk about everything we did but that would take a really long time so click here to see our itinerary so you can see how packed our schedule was.

On the 3rd night we did something I definitely wasn’t expecting. The teachers took us to a meeting room from the hotel and told us we will be writing about a few important things that shows crazy that we saw on the trip so far. They called the room the “hot box” room, but they had a right to because it got really hot. Although during the trip I complained about the experience I am glad the teachers did that. Looking back on the trip and being pushed to write that helped me to learn that everything we did on the trip did show crazy.

The Video

Now what was the project we did for this trip? Well we were assigned to make a video in groups. My group consisted of Luca o, Marshall, and Adlih. I think we were a great group and we worked pretty good together. Before the trip we all did a lot of work for planning but it was all evened out. During the trip we had brought three cameras. Adlih, Luca, and I each brought a camera so we all filmed. Everywhere that was related to our people and places we filmed lots of shots so we would have plenty to work with. After we got back from the trip we had a solid three days to finish the first draft of the video and then we had a few more days to make a second draft.

Morgan also made this amazing Seattle video and I’m completely in love with it so check it out!


During the video making I do wish we planned even more than we did because currently we don’t have enough shots to make a video that I am 100% pleased with. I did learn a lot about communication and how we need to communicate more on where and when we are filming to be able to get all the shots. The video made me think a lot about the driving question and every night I would wonder “well how was that crazy?” or “how did that show crazy and how can I include it in my video?” The video really made me think and try to understand what i needed to capture and that’s why it was an important part of this unit.

In the end the seattle trip definitely helped me understand our definition of crazy and how it can be found in anything. The trip definitely helped me better find my so called answer for this question. I recommend reading my post on the exhibition to hear my answer to the question. It goes in depth of the other things we also did with this question.