Hello blog readers,

This new unit we had in science was a personal favourite. Chemistry is a very interesting subject and lots of fun to learn. For this project the big idea was how energy change is required as atoms rearrange in chemical processes. We got a basic project brief but we had to make our own personalized driving question and make our own evaluation rubric. 

There were many different reactions/chemical processes to do but my group decided on single replacement. My group consisted of Kai, Morgan and me. We had to make a keynote about single replacement and show the grade 11’s in a 15 minute presentation.

The driving question we made was “how can we use single replacement to preserve materials?” For a few days we did a lot of research on this question and after that we made a keynote all about the reaction we did.

During the whole project we worked with curricular competencies. Here are 6 curricular competencies I feel we excelled in. 

Questioning and Predicting 

“Make observations aimed at identifying their own questions, including increasingly complex ones, about the natural world”

We all asked questions throughout the processes of this project. We worked together to question but also answer our the questions.

Planning and Conducting 

“Collaboratively and individually plan, select, and use appropriate investigation methods, including field work and lab experiments,to collect reliable data (qualitative and quantitative)”

All of us worked collaboratively and effectively researching, doing lab experiments, and writing hypothesis for questions we had.

Processing and analyzing data and information 

“Use knowledge of scientific concepts to draw conclusions that are consistent with evidence”

We used are knowledge of reactivity, and galvanization to draw a conclusion about the lack of corrosion for the iron.


“Demonstrate an awareness of assumptions, question information given, and identify bias in their own work and secondary sources”

We looked at multiples sources through an unbiased eye and also experiment and came to conclusions on my own.

Applying and innovating 

“Generate and introduce new or refined ideas when problem solving”

We created a driving question and were able to answer it with a conclusion and explanation we found out through trail and error.


“Communicate scientific ideas, claims, information, and perhaps a suggested course of action, for a specific purpose and audience, constructing evidence-based arguments and using appropriate scientific language, conventions, and representations.”

We use the correct scientific language through the presentation and our research is scientific based as well.

Our Keynote

By the end of this project, I fully understand single replacement reactions and how we can use that to preserve materials. I have two mindmaps, one before we started this unit and the one from after we finished this unit. Here are my two mindmaps.

First Mind-Map

Second Mind-Map