Hello blog readers,

You know what they say about third times the charm, well it’s true. Destination Imagination(DI) is back for another year, my third and final year. If you don’t know what Destination Imagination is at this point you have not been around for long. Here is a link to my previous DI post, which links to all the other ones as well.

This year I was doing the technical challenge. I think this challenge was by far harder than any challenge DI has given. The challenge was called on target because you had to make an aircraft that would fly and drop payloads on a specific target. My group consisted of Daniel, Logan, Isy, Luca, and Jamie. Before I explain everything we did for this years challenge take a took at performance.

The Performance 

(insert video)

Prior Work

In our group we assigned everyone some roles, to make things easier. I worked everyday after school for multiple hours figuring out the backdrop, painting it, making props and etc. Everything in our group was smooth sailing until the day before regionals when some group members told us they couldn’t finish the aircraft in time. This was really tough for us because the aircraft and payloads are the majority of the points. No matter what other members including me had done for the group like the team choice elements, story, backdrop, and props it didn’t really matter.


This time around I learned about how splitting up the work like that doesn’t always work out. We got first place surprisingly even though we did not have a flying aircraft. This year has been harder than any other year I’ve experienced in the past. Next time for provincials we will hopefully have a flying aircraft that drop payloads. Now we have all learned to make sure the whole group works on the main part of the challenge and not leave it up to only half the group. However frustrating this time around was, I’m looking forward to provincials with a happy attitude.