Hello people of this world,

In science for the past 2 weeks we learned about science lab safety. As you know you can’t do anything in the science room without knowing the safety rules. Here in PLP we don’t just have a test on it though, we were assigned to make a science safety video with the information we learned. Our video had to explain at least three science safety examples.

My group for this project was Maggie, Jessie, and Lauren.  We are a great group and bringing our ideas together always makes for a interesting project. We made a science reality show take a look.

Personally I loved this project. I learned a lot while and I had a great time. Even though it’s the beginning of the year I feel ready for this year and all the project I’m going to do. I think the video was great. It showed characters, humour, and taught about lab safety. We worked really hard but it was fun at the same time because I was working with my friends. They can really make me laugh with there unique and funny personalities. Our video is longer than everyone else’s video but that’s okay, most of my class mates said it was worth it. Hope you enjoyed the video.