Melika’s Blog



Our “Crazy” Winter Exhibition

Hello blog readers,  This year’s winter exhibition was different than previous year’s but just as much work. In the past we usually made things, this time around we made a PechaKucha presentation. Driving Question Our driving question for the exhibition… Continue Reading →

Edublogs: Week 10

Hello blog readers, The edublogs challenge is sadly over. At first my class and I were confused to why we were doing the challenge and it seemed dumb to us, but after a while we started enjoying it. We did… Continue Reading →

Edublogs: Week 9

Hello blog readers, This weeks Edublogs challenge is about Alex and coding. You might not know who Alex is right now if your not from the blogging challenge but I will explain. Task #1 Our first challenge is to comment… Continue Reading →

Edublogs: Week 8

Hello blog readers, This weeks Edublogs challenge is all about Celebrations and Festivities. So many people are doing the blogging challenge. There are a lot of diverse groups and different cultures and this week we will be able to read… Continue Reading →

Edublogs: Week 7

Hello blog readers, This weeks Edublogs challenge we had a choice to blog about anything we like. Anything that interests us. I’m interested in figure skating so I’m going to talk about that. Figure skating is a winter sport that… Continue Reading →

Can cousins be twins?

Hello blog readers, This science unit we learned about genetics. Our driving question was “Can cousins be twins?” I was very interested to see if cousins could be twins so I worked hard to figure that out.  Daniel and I started… Continue Reading →

Edublogs: Week 6

Hello blog readers, This weeks Edublogs challenge is all about science. Learning about science helps us understand our world better. We have 5 task options and I’ve done 3 of them.  Part one: Curiosity I’ve always been curious about zoology…. Continue Reading →

Shout out to the crazy ones!

Hello blog readers, We started our new unit this week. This unit is called Cray Cray Yay Yay, and it’s about the crazy people in the world. The driving question for this unit is, Why does it take a “crazy” person… Continue Reading →

live loop music is easy peasy.

Hello blog readers, Guess what? I made that song using garage band. Recently in maker we are bringing in our focus to sound. The past week we learned how to use garage band like a pro. I think we all… Continue Reading →

Edublogs: Week 5

Hello blog readers,  This weeks Edublogs challenge is to show the simulates that we all share and the interesting differences. We had four options on how to show our similarities and differences. I chose music.  I love music and I… Continue Reading →

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